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Search results

  1. AquaDoesStuff

    I'm back over here after sooo long...

    I'm back over here after sooo long...
  2. AquaDoesStuff

    Show off your org music...

    Well I transcribed that song from B.A.G.U.E.T.T.E.'s soundtrack by Arseniy Shkljaev (don't worry, neither do I know how to pronounce his last name it correctly). Download Looped Download Tell me what you think! Oh yeah, I forgot to make speaker panning, so you don't have to tell me about that.
  3. AquaDoesStuff

    Show off your org music...

    Thanks for the feedback. I tried out your suggestions, and the songs did seem better. I'll be sure to look at that Rudolf the Red Nosed Raindeer transcription later. =^)
  4. AquaDoesStuff

    Show off your org music...

    Weeee I guess i made a few more. =^P Almond Fight - This one I actually had the drums edited slightly to sound faster paced, because the first version of this I placed them in their original spots in Oppression (the song this is based on) Woodland Porch - A forest level for a mod I'm helping a...
  5. AquaDoesStuff

    Post your Original Music and Stuff.

    I made two songs, and they are on Newgrounds and I'm too lazy to set them up a download link. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/682562 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/682564
  6. AquaDoesStuff

    Cave Story++ v0.04

    Nice! The Jukebox only plays Mischievious Robot. My suggestion is to have the ability to choose your song. Also: How did you get the Save/Load in the title to be in the corner? I could use that. Overall, nice job for a first mod.
  7. AquaDoesStuff

    Cave Story: The Story That Never Happened Demo (REALLY BAD MOD DONT PLAY)

    I made the post above yours more recently than the one above it. Please pay attention to dates posts were made. EDIT: yay for 2 years after revisits. Excuse me, this post was way more rude than I remember. Goodbye person browsing old threads! Don't look at this thread ever again.
  8. AquaDoesStuff

    Cave Story: The Story That Never Happened Demo (REALLY BAD MOD DONT PLAY)

    The mimiga in the beginning will not play a major role in the game except for the beginning, but if you think I should add a facepic, sure. EDIT 10/2/16: Actually, I don't have enough time and won't do it because I'm lazy =P so no.
  9. AquaDoesStuff

    Show off your org music...

    Thanks, HaydenStudios! I am actually using it a bit earlier in my mod , but I might reuse that track later in the game.
  10. AquaDoesStuff

    Cave Story: The Story That Never Happened Demo (REALLY BAD MOD DONT PLAY)

    Hey guys! Here is my first mod, and I hope you like it. I will answer any questions when I have time. :) This is only the first portion of the game, so don't judge me for how uncompleted it is. Screenshots: I will answer questions by replies, so don't check all over the place up here for them...
  11. AquaDoesStuff

    Show off your org music...

    I made a remake of Potential for Anything in OrgMaker, with compatible instruments. It's for a mod I'm making, but I think it's good enough to be revealed. (also it's shorter than the original. It's only about a minute and a half, but I still think I should show it to you)
  12. AquaDoesStuff

    The Almond (Remix)

    Oh. I kinda forgot about that since it was a while since I have used G-drive. I'll fix it.
  13. AquaDoesStuff

    The Almond (Remix)

    I worked hard on this remix. I attempted to make a remix of the music that plays before The Core boss fight, and I hope any of you who are looking at this enjoy it. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OAokecSj3oLWlrYThpZE1VQlk/view?usp=sharing
  14. AquaDoesStuff

    The UnderTale Thread

    I don't notice very much of a difference.
  15. AquaDoesStuff

    Program similar to OrgMaker2?

    Well, another option other than pxtone is Bosca Ceoil. You can use it online at http://online.boscaceoil.net/#!/.
  16. AquaDoesStuff

    Summer ORGmaking Extravaganza

    I made one for the first contest: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OAokecSj3oanRKaUVKS0o1Yms/view?usp=sharing BTW I'm interested. EDIT: I just realized I forgot to do speaker panning on "Summer Blaster", but I guess it's too late. I don't think I did terrible, tho. (also, there is no actual...
  17. AquaDoesStuff

    Now Taking ORG Requests

    DuckTales: The Moon theme. I wan't to use it in a mod me and my brother is making. https://youtu.be/G_80PQ543rM
  18. AquaDoesStuff

    I don't know if anybody else noticed this but, Pomfy was born the day Cave Story's development...

    I don't know if anybody else noticed this but, Pomfy was born the day Cave Story's development started.
  19. AquaDoesStuff

    Yeah, Thanks! =)

    Yeah, Thanks! =)
  20. AquaDoesStuff

    Cave Story ORGMix

    https://doc-0k-9c-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/mpegb8n73fosg4frad7742a0injr2ho2/62l6akvnvf32pc47r59109j0d0abbbtl/1431777600000/02778786932577987664/02778786932577987664/0B9OAokecSj3oUmdTMGZWSThadmM?e=download This one is called The Moon. (requires OrgMaker 2)