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Search results

  1. U

    Import Own Orgs And Maybe Sue's Workshop Boss Error Fix!!!

    I have been trying to apply common wisdom from ROM hacking to this problem, but, you see, the data doesn't get moved, it gets copied. All data other than for the levels are left at their original offsets, so it can't be a pointer table problem. Aside from that, I can't find any pointers to exe...
  2. U

    Boss code?

    Ah. I misremembered. Sorry.
  3. U

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    I figured it out from looking at the script. It's simple. Feed the dogs until two of the teleporters go back and forth to each other, then walk to the third one and use it. Done correctly, it only takes one feeding.
  4. U

    Boss code?

    I'm fairly sure it applies to frenzied toroko, and the doctor. At least the doctor's second form. And it's bosses that use <BOA (Now all of these bosses happen to use <BSL0000, but it's the <BOA that's relevant to the glitch)
  5. U

    Chaos Combination - Cave Story included!

    So very off topic Because Robotech took two completely different Japanese Robot anime and then squished them together with a totally made-up plotline. Which is why you never see certain characters in the same places as certain other ones.
  6. U

    Image Edition: (C)Pixel doesn't work!

    My guess would be that he's either 1) Saving as a pbm file, instead of saving as a bmp and renaming or 2) Renaming the original pbm files to bmp before editing, and not renaming them back afterwards
  7. U

    CaveStory: Community Project

    jeffrey: While there's nothing wrong with the idea of a community project (in fact, it's a good idea that SeriousFace and I were discussing a while back), you can't just say "Hey we should all do something together" and expect a good game to come of it. All of the modders here have their own...
  8. U

    Creating Boss Fights

    The 0x2000 flag "Call >EVENT< on action" also makes NPCs invincible (your shots go right through them), but it also makes it so that they can only do damage with projectiles. After that, there's hacking NPC.tbl There are a couple flags in there that can make NPCs invulnerable (ala Basil...
  9. U

    Boss code?

    They don't work at all. Well, Balrog, Igor, and misery work. The rest don't. If you delete maps and add new ones, the glitch still occurs. This only happens with Sue's Workshop. However, if you don't plan to go beyond the 95 maps already in Cave Story, this can be worked around by editing the...
  10. U

    Chaos Combination - Cave Story included!

    Now lets try it with only listing good shows: SonicAM, Mazinger-Z, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show.
  11. U

    Image Edition: (C)Pixel doesn't work!

    here's your problem. You need "(c)pixel", NOT "(C)Pixel". Case matters.
  12. U

    Script size limit

    There's also a much smaller limit (I haven't tested to find an exact size) on armitem.tsc which can cause a crash when you open inventory
  13. U

    Modding Cavestory - Questions

    What file is that in? It should only go in .pbm files (And be sure to save the edited .pbm files as .bmp files, then rename)
  14. U

    Modding Cavestory - Questions

    "28 43 29 50 69 78 65 6C" goes at the end (after the "01 00 3B"), in the middle collumn. When you put that in, the right should show (C)Pixel
  15. U


    I enjoyed it, until it was over, and then I was disappointed with how short it was.
  16. U

    Sue's Workshop buggy editor

    What he's saying is that he thinks pixel made the underwater glitch so that if a player fell off the map without triggering one of those events, they'd still die.
  17. U

    Hacks Bugs!

    I hear there's a problem where tiles more than a certan distance from the top of a map will act like they are in water. If you split your map into two or more rooms, you can get each part within the height limits, and the water problem should go away. Unless it's something else.
  18. U

    Modding Doukutsu

    I fixed your sentence.
  19. U

    Quote's father?!

    I think booster designed, or helped design the "robots with souls" (EG Quote and Curly) but I don't think he actually built them This would be consistent with the messages in the "Waterway Cabin" being from Booster
  20. U

    I am mad!

    None of that's in the original, and look how fun it turned out.
  21. U

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    I liked that Labyrinth was a maze. Of course, when I went through, I got "dead end" as the very first room I tried, so I already had the all-important hint about going in circles.
  22. U

    Thoughts about red flower transformation *spoilers*

    I feel the Core is more like the capacitor array on a dam. It stores energy and distributes it throughout the island as needed. Then, by that analogy, Jenka is the floodgate.
  23. U

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    After you get the booster, there's a chest on the way up to Misery's. When I got it on the way up, (I think) it gave me a 5 missile expansion, with the normal message. Whe I got it on the way down, it said "You have found the missile launcher", and gave me a 10 missile expansion So I had 30...
  24. U

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    By the way, is the Polar star supposed to come back when you reach first cave after fighting the gaudskateers? The way the hermit talks it sounds like that's a scripting bug. There are also a couple of chests in sand zone that reappear if you save the game, exit, and reload.
  25. U

    Thoughts about red flower transformation *spoilers*

    But Ballos' magic has been running rampant ever since she sealed him, and it hasn't been worn out at all. And Misery has been serving the masters of the demon crown for hundreds of years, but her power hasn't been worn out. Why would Jenka's power be limited where Ballos' and Misery's aren't...