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Search results

  1. U

    Poll which graphics do you like best?

    Any way you could combine 1 and 2 so you get grass and 3D? I know it would use more tiles, but I really think it'd be worth it.
  2. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    Yeah, about that... :o
  3. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    Hey, nice. That kind of reminds me of Green Hill zone from the first Sonic game.
  4. U

    Sue's Workshop - Ideas

    Actually, this could be changed by modifying the Mimiga mask script in ArmsItem.tsc
  5. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    To the best of my knowledge, Sand zone hasn't been completed yet. Good work making it that far, though. Well it should be fixed at least to the point that opening it from the inside unlocks it -- of you need the key to open it from the inside, if it isn't unlocked. There are two ways. The...
  6. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    No. Are you saying that you have the booster 2.0 already, or that you think you need it? (If you think you need it, remember that Behemoths don't damage you if you're on top of them)
  7. U

    Insignificant Studio's: 'The Underside'

    Which is the whole reason people make clones (or ripoffs) of games. So they can sell to fans of that game, without actually needing to come up with their own ideas.
  8. U

    Sue's Workshop - Ideas

    I'm not sure if this is how it works in the "boss bug" fix version, but it would be nice if you could add a menu for bosses in the map settings. (so that, for instance, a mod could have omega show up in a few different places)
  9. U

    Insignificant Studio's: 'The Underside'

    No, Cave Story isn't a clone, Cave Story is an homage. Underside is a Cave Story clone, which is a clean word for "cheap knockoff" or "ripoff". (The difference between an homage and a ripoff is that an homage is mostly original material, with some references thrown in, whereas a ripoff is mostly...
  10. U

    How do you move omega?

    Just for clarification, seriousface means changing coordinates, not changing maps. (I know because he IMed me to ask if I knew how before he made this forum topic.)
  11. U

    Legacy Story

    It's called understatement. Lulz.
  12. U

    Legacy Story

    Playing SeriousFace's first (unfinished) mod teaches a lot about these kind of trick techniques. Stuff like low jumping, creature riding, slope hopping. It's really innovative, and fun if you've already beaten the original cave story (but it's a bit hard if you're not familiar with the controls...
  13. U

    A few questions about Cave Story projects...

    I approve. I really like how you're putting so much thought in to planning before you even start work. That's generally the hallmark of a great mod. When you do get started, let me know. I should be able to help with scripting.
  14. U

    The Map Doesn't Match Up!

    Hell isn't impossible. Just flip "Last Cave" onward horizontally and it lines up almost exactly. Certainly close enough to be fixed by fudging with the size a bit.
  15. U

    A humble request for help.

    <DNP(object number) at the end of the script should do it.
  16. U

    TSC Periodic Loops - A problem

    Actually the problem is that when an event is running, the game doesn't register collisions between quote and other entities. As a result, not only can he not take damage, he can't leave the room, or start any conversations. And rewriting the relevant routines is something that would generally...
  17. U

    TSC Periodic Loops - A problem

    To allow for timed scripts of any sort that don't give quote invulnerability would require rewriting the relevant routines in cave story. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, though, you may be able to use a different method to achieve your goal.
  18. U

    Decoding tsc files--How?

    The byte at (file length)/2 (rounded down) is the key to the file. decrease all other bytes by that value (using modular arithmetic such that 0 -1 = 255), and you get the script in text.
  19. U


    which is almost completely different, except for the end.
  20. U


    He means "Last Cave (hidden)"
  21. U

    Eliminate the use for (C)Pixel!

    Even if it were a byte-by-byte comparison, it's concievable that it would work regardless, because most higher-level file-read methods routines will return 0 on out of bounds read operations.
  22. U

    Important Links!

    But why include links that are already on the main site at all? Shouldn't you focus on important links that aren't already easily available?
  23. U

    Searching for data formats

    Tilesets are hardcoded into the game. If you open doukutsu.exe in a hex editor and search for the name of the map you want, you should see how it works.
  24. U

    Cavestory Bugs

    Discovered by seriousface: The following formation XX /X (where X is a solid block, and / is the upper part of a diagonally up-right slope) Allows for the player to walk through walls or jumping through ceilings, by jumping at the point where the floor meets the ceiling If there is no block or...
  25. U

    An unusual entity...

    There's a TSC command to branch the script to a new entry if an entity of a certain type exists on the map which only shows up twice in the game (Jellyfish juice, and Alien Medal). These entity 3 guys sound like they could have been intended to control events in timed sequences through such a...