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Search results

  1. existingaccount

    i couldn't get past the progress nautilus and i didn't feel like going any further because the...

    i couldn't get past the progress nautilus and i didn't feel like going any further because the last parts of the mayko dungeon were extremely painful. the progress nautilus is also just not a fun boss, but maybe that's because i was extremely underleveled, considering that the enemies in the...
  2. existingaccount

    the forlorn junk heap wasn't that much easier, but it did occasionally burp, which was pretty...

    the forlorn junk heap wasn't that much easier, but it did occasionally burp, which was pretty much a turn waster because of how often it missed and being one of the less dangerous status effects.
  3. existingaccount

    fun mother 3 related facts: i have died to the fierce pork trooper from mother 3 once. feel free...

    fun mother 3 related facts: i have died to the fierce pork trooper from mother 3 once. feel free to laugh.
  4. existingaccount

    i have beaten mr. passion from mother 3.

    i have beaten mr. passion from mother 3.
  5. existingaccount

    they argued that cave story had replay value because of its awesome music when THE GAME...

    they argued that cave story had replay value because of its awesome music when THE GAME LITERALLY COMES WITH ITS OWN MUSIC PLAYER
  6. existingaccount

    tried using coilsnake. maybe it was because i tried to have the patched rom in the same location...

    tried using coilsnake. maybe it was because i tried to have the patched rom in the same location as the real rom, but when i used lifeup alpha, it didn't display the animation that's exclusive to mother 2 deluxe.
  7. existingaccount

    What is your LEAST favorite track in Cave Story?

    my opinion is outdated. hate me if you want, but, in my humble opinion, labyrinth fight fucking sucks. mischievous robot actually works very well (but not for the credits!), and moonsong is now one of my favorites.
  8. existingaccount

    for some reason it fills me with pure happiness whenever i see a cave story and off reference. i...

    for some reason it fills me with pure happiness whenever i see a cave story and off reference. i honestly don't even think they're really amazing games anymore they just fill me with pure happiness
  9. existingaccount

    why did i think things were going to get better

    why did i think things were going to get better
  10. existingaccount


    ok maybe it wouldn't be so bad IF I WASN'T CONSTANTLY RECEIVING A BARRAGE OF WEEKLY HOMEWORK FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE. man, my life sucks more than i thought it did.
  11. existingaccount

    school is forcing me to stay up late and i'm pretty sure that's really bad for your health.

    school is forcing me to stay up late and i'm pretty sure that's really bad for your health.
  12. existingaccount

    nah, it's not too awesome to use. that would be the case for the super missile launcher because...

    nah, it's not too awesome to use. that would be the case for the super missile launcher because it doesn't have a ton of ammo but deals tons of damage. the missile launcher's damage output is simply too bad to be too awesome to use.
  13. existingaccount

    if it was a bad dll then the program would be complaining about the dll not doing its job

    if it was a bad dll then the program would be complaining about the dll not doing its job
  14. existingaccount

    man the missile launcher sucks. it's supposed to be a weapon that you scarcely use because it...

    man the missile launcher sucks. it's supposed to be a weapon that you scarcely use because it has limited resources, but still want to use because it's powerful. the damn fireball you get right after you have the missile launcher deals more damage than it. i dare say it's worse than the bubbline!
  15. existingaccount


  16. existingaccount

    i've been trying to get mother 2 deluxe but for some reason the earthbound patcher is...

    i've been trying to get mother 2 deluxe but for some reason the earthbound patcher is complaining about a missing dll file even though it's already on my computer!
  17. existingaccount

    they honestly look worse imo, but i do think they show more personality and identity.

    they honestly look worse imo, but i do think they show more personality and identity.
  18. existingaccount

    holy sh*t!!!!!!!!!

    holy sh*t!!!!!!!!!
  19. existingaccount

    i tried making scrambled eggs but i went too far and scrambled my life - bill wurtz

    i tried making scrambled eggs but i went too far and scrambled my life - bill wurtz
  20. existingaccount

    jack stajuber.

    jack stajuber.
  21. existingaccount

    Thanks! This truly works, what an incredible game!

    Thanks! This truly works, what an incredible game!
  22. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    Pixel the Alligator suddenly appeared! Here is Pixel the Alligator's opening attack!
  23. existingaccount

    ok nvm she's still op the controls are way too slippery tho

    ok nvm she's still op the controls are way too slippery tho
  24. existingaccount

    make dokustu randamu toroko op again

    make dokustu randamu toroko op again
  25. existingaccount

    there was once a person on the mossmouth person who thought it was worth their time to start a...

    there was once a person on the mossmouth person who thought it was worth their time to start a discussion about whether they should play spelunky or cave story and kept being a devil's advocate for both sides. that isn't even the worst/best of it.