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Search results

  1. existingaccount


  2. existingaccount


  3. existingaccount

    there was a controversy in which a bunch of rather questionable mcpig discord messages were...

    there was a controversy in which a bunch of rather questionable mcpig discord messages were leaked (surprisingly enough, it had nothing to do with grooming), and although the messages were 4 years ago and mcpig has admitted that he isn't proud of them, he never exactly apologized. i think the...
  4. existingaccount

    i'm not sure what to think of the pizza tower developer controversy but i do not want to touch...

    i'm not sure what to think of the pizza tower developer controversy but i do not want to touch it with a 10 foot pole
  5. existingaccount

    i don't even care about off that much anymore but whenever i see an off reference i become...

    i don't even care about off that much anymore but whenever i see an off reference i become extremely happy
  6. existingaccount

    just got checkmated by martin in just a few moves

    just got checkmated by martin in just a few moves
  7. existingaccount

    this is the ultimate showdown

    this is the ultimate showdown
  8. existingaccount

    damage boosting? idk, sounds counterintuitive to force a player to take damage to progress.

    damage boosting? idk, sounds counterintuitive to force a player to take damage to progress.
  9. existingaccount

    i have a feeling that the censor bar is actually just there and the robot in this image is not...

    i have a feeling that the censor bar is actually just there and the robot in this image is not naked at all
  10. existingaccount

    outer wall is awesome!!!!!!!

    outer wall is awesome!!!!!!!
  11. existingaccount

    this looks awesome. looks like a sequel to cave story if pixel was at a low point in his life

    this looks awesome. looks like a sequel to cave story if pixel was at a low point in his life
  12. existingaccount


  13. existingaccount

    hey what if i just screamed into the void

    hey what if i just screamed into the void
  14. existingaccount

    Heya! Havent touched the game for months and now I'm lost :P. Anyone got any tips?

    Pretty much all of the versions are the same, but WiiWare's soundtrack is probably the most hated, and not for bad reasons at all. I don't think it's that bad, but you're going to find the final boss theme really underwhelming. I like freeware the best, but I'm biased because that's what I use...
  15. existingaccount

    wind fortress

    wind fortress
  16. existingaccount

    i'm trying to make an earthbound mod but my pk hack won't do anything

    i'm trying to make an earthbound mod but my pk hack won't do anything
  17. existingaccount

    i feel like that one day, i'll ask to make a really minor soundtrack for a cave story mod and...

    i feel like that one day, i'll ask to make a really minor soundtrack for a cave story mod and then give up the moment i place the first note
  18. existingaccount

    Opinions on the Wii OST?

    last battle moment
  19. existingaccount

    Opinions on the Wii OST?

    Yeah, this thread should explain itself. My opinion on the Wii OST is very mixed, but I can say that all of the boss themes (excluding Eyes of Flame) were absolutely ruined, but some of the calmer tracks are downright better than the original, and that's saying something. Also, White isn't on...
  20. existingaccount

    the second part of the bloodstained sanctuary is by far the worst one to speedrun. all of the...

    the second part of the bloodstained sanctuary is by far the worst one to speedrun. all of the other parts are fun, but the second room is responsible for so many failed runs to get king's title screen that i don't even remember how many times i died to that room. i didn't even get king's title...
  21. existingaccount

    ideas that i've come up with: although they won't be around the entire game, death spikes will...

    ideas that i've come up with: although they won't be around the entire game, death spikes will be spammed to ridiculous levels in certain areas that aren't based around platforming, like monster x's arena. in labyrinth m, curly brace leaves you behind to speedrun the level, and you have to fight...
  22. existingaccount

    The 2000 IQ Cave Story Quiz

    figured it out
  23. existingaccount

    @Serri i have the same experience at level design as a wet sock so it's not going to be much...

    @Serri i have the same experience at level design as a wet sock so it's not going to be much more fun than death spike spam
  24. existingaccount

    The 2000 IQ Cave Story Quiz

    Pretty entertaining quiz with enjoyable gimmicks. Managed to get Dokustu Diety, but I don't plan on getting a score of 2000 any time soon. By the way, is there an answer to the dog question that you can't notice at first glance, or does it actually just force you to take damage?
  25. existingaccount

    thinking about making a hard mode for cave story that doesn't just place death spikes everywhere

    thinking about making a hard mode for cave story that doesn't just place death spikes everywhere