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  1. Jester Frog

    I wanna get King'd.

    No way! The game's totally unbalanced! I mean, the Queen can move in any direction in any number of spaces, while the pawn can only move forward one. Checkers is a way more balanced game for us hardcore gamers.
  2. Jester Frog

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I'm actually not saying she looks fat at all. I think she looks quite slim. What really bothers me is that face... /me shudders
  3. Jester Frog

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Maybe Toroko looks like that so that you don't feel as bad when she (did I really need to spoiler that?) I hope the normal, non-angry mugshots look cuter and less, erm, ew.
  4. Jester Frog

    In this Topic we rate eachother's Avatars/Sigs.

    Well, you can't really blame him. The comic (or at least the 10 or so pages I read) was pretty dang disturbing. And knowing what is happening in those 3 panels makes it a lot less funny >>; Anyway, someone rate mine I dare them
  5. Jester Frog

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    I've been... away. I've been on the 72dpiArmy Forum for awhile now, and I sort of got away from coming here because I wasn't playing Cave Story all that much. I got a new gamepad so I might start playing it again after the January end of semester school crunch ends. But yeah, glad to be back, sire.
  6. Jester Frog

    Arthur: who really was he?

    Oh? I'm interested. I thought about doing that once but never really got into modding and sort of gave up. I'd be willing to help if you wanted it. Sorry for being a tad off-topic o=
  7. Jester Frog

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Hi. Back, suckas. It's been too long. /me waits for a ton of "Who the hell...?"
  8. Jester Frog

    Save file help

    This is a simple question to answer... you're screwed. The Mac version of Cave Story stores the save file within the single Cave Story file (the Mac equivalent of an executable (EXE)) rather than in a "profile.dat" file. The only way you could possibly change your save file would be to have...
  9. Jester Frog

    SNES Adapter help...

    Not the point. -_- Can someone actually HELP me?
  10. Jester Frog

    SNES Adapter help...

    First, it DOES recognize it as a controller. And SECOND, I'm BORROWING it (meaning I didn't pay for it, my brother did) so I could use it with my SNES emulator. I don't feel like going out and buying a new one just for one game (I'm not a PC gamer). Clear as mud?
  11. Jester Frog

    SNES Adapter help...

    Quite a bit (on both accounts), I'm sure due to it being bought on Lik-Sang (which is now closed.)
  12. Jester Frog

    SNES Adapter help...

    Why pay money when I can just borrow it from my brother who never uses it for no cost?
  13. Jester Frog

    SNES Adapter help...

    Okay, so I have an SNES to USB adapter. It works just fine connects, the buttons react, the works. BUT I am unable to map to the start and select buttons which forces me to put two functions on the same button. As far as I could tell the mapping worked out like this: 1 = X 2 = A 3 = B 4 = Y 5 =...
  14. Jester Frog

    Discusion: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch

    Am I missing something? Did the sprite style change? Cause I'm not really willing to look through all 300 or so posts just to find out.
  15. Jester Frog

    Agora's Legends Server

    Gmt -8. :rolleyes: :D
  16. Jester Frog

    Movie script

    Tokyo Feet! For monster X you should use the Tokyo Feet thing I was talking about earlier in the thread. If you can't remember what it was it's when it looks like ton of little feet are in place of the character's legs/feet and the characters are in a chibi-esque form. It would make the scene...
  17. Jester Frog

    Agora's Legends Server

    Well, it works now. I must have fallen through the wall and had to restart about three times just now. Please fix this Echidna-San. It'd probably be more fun if there was someone else there.
  18. Jester Frog

    Agora's Legends Server

    Um, that doesn't work either. What? K.
  19. Jester Frog

    Agora's Legends Server

    GAH! What am I doing wrong? I run King.whatever it opens the Cave Story window, I click on join type in (exactly): It says "connecting..." then puts me back at the title screen. HMPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :mad:
  20. Jester Frog

    Agora's Legends ~ Minnasan no Monogatari

    Um, there isn't a King.bat in that whole zip file. :D
  21. Jester Frog

    Beginner Help

    Haven't you ever made your own character? You open it in paint. Then save it as a .pbm when finished.
  22. Jester Frog

    Spriters need for Online CaveStory.

    NVM. I found it out myself! ;)
  23. Jester Frog

    Spriters need for Online CaveStory.

    Yeah, pretty much. Off-topic: Why does your status say "Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P"
  24. Jester Frog

    Spriters need for Online CaveStory.

    No, King of the Hill is when you protect a stationary place. What xristox is suggesting is a mode where one person is more powerful than the others and gets points for killing others. The other people have to kill the "crown bearer" so they can get the crown for themselves so they can score.
  25. Jester Frog

    Ports for Pixel's other games?

    Technically Variant Interactive might not be able to make Cave Story PSP. This is from Pixel's BBS: "caveman 08/07-00:46 Pixel? Did you give rights to a "Variant Interactive" to create and publish a PSP Cave Story? I want this clear once and for all. Pixel 08/08-01:11 > 新羅二郎 プレイありがとう。...