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  1. W

    .pbm image colorspace problems (haruhi-story mod)

    Your best bet is to make the .pbm a 24-bit bmp first and then paste the image in. With the 16 color pbm paint can do some pretty funky things... You can always optimize the palette afterwards if you have something other than paint to mess around with.
  2. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    The only rects that can be edited right now are the entity hit box rect and entity graphic size rect. I still have to do some digging to get the actual rects inside the pbm files that the npcs are drawn from. Since the npc.tbl has the size of the rectangle, the only thing that should be in the...
  3. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    No its not... It will be next major update though, when the map adding is complete.
  4. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    New update available. This is going to be the last update for a little while. See first post for details.
  5. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    If you're working from a clean install of Cave Story most files are set to read only. If they are my editor can't edit them. :D You'll hav to remove the read only flag from the files first. EDIT: Um... Actually it looks like a forgot to take out some debug code from before.... It actually...
  6. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    That's correct. It actually can't edit anything if its set to read only. But if you're making a mod nothing should be right? I'll eventually add some checks to tell the user that the file is read only, but I'm not going to add functionality to change a file that is read only. Read only is...
  7. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Another update! Special thanks to SP for helping with some of the supplemental files (tile types and TSC updates). Details in first post. Now sleep.... EDIT: Oh yeah Editor has a name now "Sue's Other Workshop" hopefully it won't cause any problems.
  8. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    hmmm... That's odd. Are you using a copy of Cave Story that's been modifed with Sue's Workshop? I haven't made any checks yet to see if the maps have been moved in the exe so if they have you'll get errors opening maps. S.P. - I'm not a fan of AIM myself but I've forgotten my ICQ#... It's been...
  9. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    New minor update. See first post for details and link. Also updated profile a little. Just a warning, I probably won't get anything more done until Thurday or Friday due to stuff and things.
  10. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    The displaying NPC idea I had was novel but it will be a while before that happens. The two things I wanted most in an editor were a better TSC editor and the ability to display NPC graphics on maps and the like but it looks like the NPC data is hard coded into the exe with no standard format...
  11. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Thanks again for all the feedback guys. Xaser - I just fix a few of those cosmetic issues you mentioned this morning. S. P. Gardebiter - Wow. That's a lot of data you added recently. I'll have to read through it all. I do like the icon idea for the TSC as well as drag and drop support...
  12. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Wow, thanks a lot. I must say, that’s a lot of info I need to absorb. Many of those bug you found would have been there for ever. I never really read my own popup messages. Hehe I had to check again but no not yet. I need to add that, probably through context menu. Along with copy and...
  13. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    CaveEditor again (beta) Zombied Well it took forever and a day but I finally have coded and Cave Story editor. It’s still in early, early beta (no adding maps or changing start event, starting health, etc.) It’s been quite an experience writing this thing with many bumps along the way. I...
  14. W

    Import Own Orgs And Maybe Sue's Workshop Boss Error Fix!!!

    The problem is that Sue's Workshop misses the data in a byte when writing out the map data to the exe. Also once you've changed the number of maps the data no longer fits where it used to so Sue's Workshop then copies the map data to the end of the exe so all the data can fit but instead of...
  15. W

    Boss Fight Bug Fix

    This has been resolved back in Import Own Orgs And Maybe Sue's Workshop Boss Error Fix!!!. Here's this fix: While parsing through the map data in the exe I noticed an odd byte just before the map caption. It's always 0-9 and seems to coorespond to certain Boss fights! As a test I removed the...
  16. W

    Import Own Orgs And Maybe Sue's Workshop Boss Error Fix!!!

    Well since I didn't write Sue's Workshop I can't make a patch. However, it should be a semi-trivial matter to place these values in the maps you need them to fix the exe. Again, I haven't tested this but I should have some time this weekend to do so, assuming no one beats me to it.
  17. W

    Import Own Orgs And Maybe Sue's Workshop Boss Error Fix!!!

    Possible Boss Bug Solution It's been a little while since I've been here. A certain game, which will remain nameless for the sake of those who haven't been abducted by it, absorbed the last month or so of my life. Anyways, I think you all will find this usefull in the whole Boss bug thing...
  18. W

    Where is the flag data?

    Do you mean the flags set and cleared by events? If so, they're here: profile.dat - addresses 0x021C-0x0603 Complements go to Kapow.
  19. W

    Cave Story Tile graphics and any other bones you want to throw me

    Wow. How'd I miss that. Thanks, that had realy been irritating me.
  20. W

    Cave Story Tile graphics and any other bones you want to throw me

    Hey everyone. Big fan of the game. Like pretty much everone here. After reading X-Cailbar's post A few Questions about Cave Story projects... I couldn't help but try out the editors to see what I could come up with. Long story short, I found the editors somewhat lacking and said "Hey! I...