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  1. Schilcote

    Chaco mod

    Charlotte the Harlot by Iron Maiden?
  2. Schilcote


    On kceh. Hiiiammammo.
  3. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    NEGATORY. It's not "somehwere in my network", otherwise it'd be 192.168.1.x. That WAS my external IP, which was routed to my webserver. The server is down, so you can't access it. DO NOT QUESTION ME AGAIN, INSOLENT HUMAN. Ollie: Sorry, no. I could implement a way to make it smaller, but I...
  4. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    Well, the GalGen engine was designed to run well with the debugger on. I didn't realize it made everything about 10x slower :D. So it should run just fine on just about anything. Even if it doesn't I could still use the feedback. It's a 6 meg download...
  5. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    Much progress has been made. I've partially implemented the away team system, I still need to facilitate communication between the script and the program. There's also some glitches in the example adventure. I've also put in a basic ship-to-ship combat system. It's pretty fun actually. I'm...
  6. Schilcote


  7. Schilcote


  8. Schilcote


    Okay, I think I got this... I'VE GOT BALLZ OF STEEL
  9. Schilcote

    Show off your org music...

    Well obviously it'd have to be instrumental. Just the tune. Although since GLaDOS's voice is auto-tuned you could probably replace it with a sine or sawtooth and it'd sound about the same.
  10. Schilcote

    Kazuma: Retarded?

    True. Perhaps he just thought Quote was cosplaying and didn't want to bring it up?
  11. Schilcote

    Kazuma: Retarded?

    He could be an autistic savant. Or just autistic.
  12. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    3: You find a mattress and hide under it.
  13. Schilcote

    Show off your org music...

    Hmm... Think The Device Has Been Modified can be translated into Orgamaya format? "PLEASE PROCEED INTO ANDROID HELL."
  14. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Cheese: Attempt to use FLIGHT 0 to cross the chasm. QXC: Use the previously used cannon to get across the chasm. Cheese: 4 You hover weakly across the chasm. QXC: 4 You launch yourself with the forcer cannon and crack your head on the concrete wall. Healbooth time. Statuses: QuoteXCurly...
  15. Schilcote

    Kazuma: Retarded?

    It's obvious. Quote has an SEP field around him. What better way to make a perfectly humanlike android than to just make people not notice the android features? Of course, Booster saw through it either because he suspected that Quote was an android or he's just really good at spotting them. Or...
  16. Schilcote

    History Based Board Games!

    Life: U.S. Educational & Psychological Services edition. Lose.
  17. Schilcote

    The perfect post

    nq7EW80mzDo MAKEUP
  18. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I can't figure out how to make music that sounds good in Orgamaya at all. I know how to work the program, I just can't make music. Are there any tutorialsor anything?
  19. Schilcote

    The perfect post

    This is my Xbox 1 This is my Xbox 2 This is my Shitbox 3 And it doesn't even work!
  20. Schilcote

    The perfect post

    Except someone needs to photoshop those needles from the background onto his headphones and give him a Curly Brace ballcap. EDIT: That sounded dirty.
  21. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Fixed, again. ALso, Two rebels are in stolen Stormtrooper gear. "How do you piddle in these suits?" "Well, you can try using this." *hands her a helmet* "I don't think so. I kinda wanna keep on looking. Besides... I already used yours." EDIT: Stormtrooper: "If you see anyone in a...
  22. Schilcote

    RTD: Netland II

    Explosive: get the fuck away from the wall (ima robot) Cyn: >See what >REMOTE CAMERA 0 can do. Explosive: 5 You successfuly avoid the stationary wall. Cyn: 2 You engage your remote camera and see a 16x16 rez black and white image. What the shit. You can change the origin of the camera by...
  23. Schilcote

    History Based Board Games!

    Spanish Inquisition hangman You can only give one answer (the wrong one), and your hangman takes about an hour to die.
  24. Schilcote

    History Based Board Games!

    Post-Scarcity Monopoly Take cards at will from an infinitely-sized stack of property titles. Then, take one of an infinite number of little plastic houses and put up to ten of them on each of these cards.
  25. Schilcote

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Re: The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? to ARE YOU ON THE BALL? GET ON THE BALL!