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  1. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    Well, there isn't a hell of a lot to see. You might as well just download it and take a look (and post log details) :). Hmm... I guess at some point I'll have to introduce actual game elements. I don't think I'll be getting any coding in today, I haven't eaten in a day or two and that's never...
  2. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    'Cos there was a section for it.
  3. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    Yeah, in fact I think it can actually make a much bigger galaxy without lag. I wrote everything so that it would run well with the B+ debugger enabled without realizing how much it slowed down the program. How big is your screen? What's your desktop resolution? You probably just couldn't get to...
  4. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    I might take the zoom feature out alltogether. It was more intended for games where you're playing as a little spaceship flying around. I haven't tied any of the new features in to it. Working As Programmed I think is the term, it isn't supposed to work right. There should be an FPS counter...
  5. Schilcote

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    I'm writing a game-y thing. It's going to be ÜB3R-1337awesome. At some point. It's in the alpha stage right now. CURRENT VERSION:
  6. Schilcote

    Define This!

    *Is eaten by a Grue* Relativity.
  7. Schilcote

    The SPAM Thread

    Actually, I was just checking if I had horribly mangled the word to the point of unreadability. What's your problem anyway? What did I ever do to you?
  8. Schilcote

    The SPAM Thread

    (you realize that most of the war is spent waiting around for something to happen, right?) I always get a whole bunch of stuff with random kanji (err... japanese characters, Firefox spellcheck doesn't know that word) in the subject line. Or at least I think they're random. And a name, Perkins...
  9. Schilcote

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    Can't help it. I just am. A finger laser at the point I most recently noticed this thread would fire back into my hand at the wrist. Very nasty.
  10. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Err... What I was saying is that I would have some way of knowing which character was which (the aforementioned mimga mask item, although I'd need a way to keep it from actually appearing in the player's inventory). So when the game needs to read the weapon data, I'd just check to see if we're...
  11. Schilcote

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    Nothing happened because "lazer" isn't a word. Actually, I don't think Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is technically a word either, it's an acronym. But if my left index finger did emit a laser beam, my computer's matte surface would diffuse the coherent beam of light...
  12. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Well, obviously. Hmm... Perhaps if each character had only one weapon set. I could just JMP to a completely different bunch of weapon data depending on the current character.
  13. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Hmm... Is it possible to have more weapons in the game than there are by default?
  14. Schilcote

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    How hard would it be to have multiple player characters in a modded game? As in two or more different player sprites and inventories that you'd switch between at certain points in the plot of the game.