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  1. Fahrenheight

    Hell Mod Contest! (The list is up!)

    Re: Is this too obscure? No If I finish the Hell Temple Section
  2. Fahrenheight

    Hell Mod Contest! (The list is up!)

    HAPPY NEW YEAR >: D Edit: Whoops, sorry I take it back, I've just been Inspired... EDIT: *REMOVE LINK* A total of nine, 21 x 16 maps with blue background Wee I'm Not Done! although it's a bit short for what I expected... Meh For stupid bugs, kindly say to me... and for those who are...
  3. Fahrenheight

    Hell Mod Contest! (The list is up!)

    Re: Hell Mod Contest! @Uncy Dave Those Hearts? Your gonna need them on my mod No no that's not stage 1, it's really a stage 3, It's really hard when I add The real "worse" part, I put it here so someone can finish it, If its do able or not.. @Orangedawg NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! what square? can...
  4. Fahrenheight

    Hell Mod Contest! (The list is up!)

    Re: Hell Mod Contest! DEMO >:rolleyes: *Booster Already Equip* If someone beat it I'm going to make it stage 3, If not.. well scrap it or stage 10, either BTW how do you not make it win32 something??
  5. Fahrenheight

    Hell Mod Contest! (The list is up!)

    Re: Hell Mod Contest! I want to join too because I always wanted to make a mod :rolleyes: @IGotsThePowerOverNineThousand KEY OF EPICNESS IS EPIC!!!
  6. Fahrenheight

    Packages, Boxes and Bags!

    Away From My Computer XD I mean a provincial vacation :p
  7. Fahrenheight

    Try to post on multiples of 5

    is that the one who catches the glasses? AND SHOOT FREAKING LASER OUT OF HIS EYES!?
  8. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Abandoned? You mean never posted it before? Why does the coron's remind me of toroko...(nevermind I figure it now) BTW nice PIC :p
  9. Fahrenheight

    Define This!

    Robot master from rockman 10 I.Dont.Know.F*cking.Adiot
  10. Fahrenheight

    O.o I didn't know You already release it... :D and its been release the day after I gave the...

    O.o I didn't know You already release it... :D and its been release the day after I gave the drawings... is it? any way sorry that I gave you a hard time finishing it :D
  11. Fahrenheight

    AWESOME AVATAR! I wish pixel include that Emoticon in his final version of akantares... and a...

    AWESOME AVATAR! I wish pixel include that Emoticon in his final version of akantares... and a facepalm for every time I hit myself with my own bullet
  12. Fahrenheight

    WTF story demo v 0.504

    Re: WTF story demo v 0.3 woohoo version zero point four! Nice~ ... darn goddamned bats, here we go again, DL it right now... EDIT: I played it and I like it so far... wow new sfx, just like in your portal gun video :o wow The lightning was change to beam of light.. now I'm looking forward...
  13. Fahrenheight

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Re: Feel's rather empty... T-Jack and Gir played this although i don't get a chance on playing with them.. and shi tzu too, darn his good and some other else played them too, green-whatever- oroborus etc.. I'm a bit cofused too, when I host, I didn't get a chance to play... and thus, the...
  14. Fahrenheight

    darn -__- at least I Finally have a chance to play with you :D

    darn -__- at least I Finally have a chance to play with you :D
  15. Fahrenheight

    darn... I can joined some, then I can't joined some... darn connection problems

    darn... I can joined some, then I can't joined some... darn connection problems
  16. Fahrenheight

    :P nice game :D

    :P nice game :D
  17. Fahrenheight

    why cant I joined??? I'm so confused

    why cant I joined??? I'm so confused
  18. Fahrenheight

    sorry I response late, I can't join you right now sorry... :( I think I can't make a room.. I...

    sorry I response late, I can't join you right now sorry... :( I think I can't make a room.. I can only join EDIT: never mind...
  19. Fahrenheight

    yeah me too.. am playin with shi tsu right now(?) and im losing

    yeah me too.. am playin with shi tsu right now(?) and im losing
  20. Fahrenheight

    noxid try to create a room... Its the second button to the right alka-whatever game

    noxid try to create a room... Its the second button to the right alka-whatever game
  21. Fahrenheight

    the lots sa buttons is emoticons yes its empty but when i joined someone we can play normal

    the lots sa buttons is emoticons yes its empty but when i joined someone we can play normal
  22. Fahrenheight

    yes I forgot to mention akantares... When you joined what did you see? besides question marks

    yes I forgot to mention akantares... When you joined what did you see? besides question marks
  23. Fahrenheight

    yes akantares(i forgot to mention XD) when you join what did you see? besides questionmarks

    yes akantares(i forgot to mention XD) when you join what did you see? besides questionmarks
  24. Fahrenheight

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Re: It's Scorch... IN SPACE! darn, it's hard to understand question marks... I hope someone translate this... sorry T-Jack i don't know to operate it XD
  25. Fahrenheight

    .... how can we fight?

    .... how can we fight?