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  1. Fahrenheight

    WTF story demo v 0.504

    Re: WTF story demo v 0.3 Best CS mod I'd played ;) I like the secret missions(GODDAMNED BATS) but i like specialy the beach episodes err cutseens(wifi enable?) and I like the boss battle BGM in the pipe dreams boss:D can't wait for another demo oh by the way...
  2. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Qoutezilla ROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRR!!!! I'm retarded today... zzzz
  3. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Eversion? the Flower Guy? ... King??? There's nothing scary there really, just ur imagination I'll try to update my DA when I woke up... zzzz
  4. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Re: Silent Cave? nope there's nothing there, Its only your imagination
  5. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    not bad... maybe I should do it too... no more hidding lol:D King - is - BadAss ...umm...aaaah..hmm..........right.Not for..with Nervous dispo...yeah
  6. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    umm.. I think less than 13 mins, without adding the layers(while I draw, whenever I stop, I add layers so It will look like "animated-ish") Its just a line art, so nothing pansy err fancy well anyway, thanks remember: You can't spell Badass without "bad"... and "ass" what I mean is you start...
  7. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    It depends on the viewer anyway, white, skin color, blue... i got bored... bored to play a game... bored to read... bored to sleep... so I try drawing with a mouse in a photoshop... then suddenly I had an urge to umm... I got bored again... zzzz... and then I didn't resize the image...
  8. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    *Checks "Billy hatcher and the giant egg" on the net* Well actually "the pun" was really not mine.. I got it from a site w/c is Im GoingToStopTalkingRightNow And talk again... Nice chicken costume of billy
  9. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    HOLY CRAP!!! KEEWWL! I mean COOOL! Yes, Its Qoute in a Chicken Tie(Chicken suit with a tie!) and If you want it to be rule 34-ish just replace chicken w/ hen (Hen siut with a tie, Hen... right)
  10. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    balrog look like a cake... and a potato, curly and qoute look like ginger bread men.. err man and woman. They look so.. good I want to eat them, I wish they were not clay and made out of a ginger bread mens.. err man and woman, and a cake potato:D I wonder what it taste like?
  11. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Wow onlineworms is back and I can't wait to see onlineworms fan arts Its[its only have 2 pics' I can't Updated yet, sorry] I'll post a line art yeah.. Qoute is Ikachan... wat a revelation
  12. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Thanks for the commnets... I really need that "Learn from your mistake, grassmoker" as they say... thanks xristosx(did i spell it right?) for the tutorial links:D by the way I'd done this while I was sick(look at the computer screen for 12 secs... IT BUUUUURNNS)...
  13. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    I-I'm Sorry, I'm going train harder so I can refine my talent
  14. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    b-blue!? b-but somebody... never mind, So its blue.. yeah I'm still suck at coloring, I'm still a newbie after all.. I have a deviant art but it's still new and the only pictures in there are the one I've post here... I don't mind
  15. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Thank You:D Yes Edit:Sorry about my answer, Im really not that talkative.. I've post a new fan art So... Is it officially green or blue?
  16. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    yes its perspective, yes its "ikachan" whoops didn't notice that..
  17. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Woah, busted... initiate escape plan.... After... 1,2,3.. many days, this is all I've done.
  18. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Well... were think of something. Its like were having an artist block or something. (sorry for being.. stupid but does tits=Girls pride Chest?/boys... yeah..)
  19. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    :eek:WOW!! no wonder your name is sick bastard and just a mouse!? No Way! Did You use a real Mouse?
  20. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    ... YOUR RIGHT! megane does look badass in my drawing... didn't notice that...
  21. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    won't happen... megane vs king! why does megane have a shovel? i thought he was part of the shovel brigade... i get the idea while day dreaming [while day dreaming in class...] HOLY CRAP MEGANE PUT A SCAR ON KING!!??? [day dream ends... because of a stupid classmate]
  22. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    In your art equation: You should add "Md" for mood... you can't draw If your not on a mood.. to draw. young prof.Booster
  23. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    OOOOh so thats why..... thank u kind sir for the comment and info..
  24. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    Im sorry sir but im not german @Ralren sir are really sure u done it in 5mins? new line art... sue... from left to right: Mimiga Sue, Sue, Enrage Mimiga sue:confused: and king...:confused: if...
  25. Fahrenheight

    Cave Story FanArt

    I start out Bad before attain what I attain today... pls respect our fellow members I Suk at making guns... sorry about the gun(its the nemesis gun...) I like cute little fangs... the file curlyh should be curlysh... ehehe... And thanks about ur comments (Gosh it took me 10 mins just...