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  • I always think of how in Deus Ex, they give you a skill for swimming but the second level literally has poisonous water.

    Edit: Would have been more funny if in the case you weren't trained at all, any water made you drown instantely.
    EAT IT??
    Does anyone ever feel guilty of never having finished a thing or that it've been taking so much time to get the thing done and you don't forcefully have the time to devote to it.

    Well if you do, it's okay, you can take all the time you want if you need it, it isn't a test or anything. ^^
    definitely have a project i feel like if i spend any more time on it itll be wasted even though i've already spent probably a week of my life on it
    definitely have a project i feel like if i spend any more time on it itll be wasted even though i've already spent probably a week of my life on it
    Well that's new :/
    I never heard of this kind of feeling before, is there something in it that rubs you the wrong way?
    nothing that's in it, just that hobbies yield very little return especially if theyre niche
    I found back my old school Ipad from back in the day!
    I made my first mod's facepic sprite on it hehe, it's very cool to find it back, but um, I have some slight problems with it.
    Everytime I try to install something on the appstore, it just go to the phase where it's in a grey circle, and it NEVER moves.
    It's running off of IOS 12 and it can't go higher, it's an Ipad Mini 3 aswell, I dunno if that model got discontinued or something but that would suck.
    I noticed some people tend to be open about their projects or feelings on the forums (I won't be for the second last)
    So little fact, I got a blog where I documented Curly's Weird Crusade development, feel free to check it out and comment, your input is neat to have :D
    I made a new blog post today regarding new content in the future, if you're curious about chapter 3, everything's here!
    I got to replay the Wiiware port of Cave story recently, I haven't played it since 2019 according to my save files (and I got it in 2017, wow) and wow this game was cool, but it's so different, I feel like there are many changes that are either bugs or features that didn't make in the other CS+ versions.
    For once I played with the Org soundtrack, I never did back then since I never saw the point but I feel like the bass and snare are different, is it possible that they replaced it for one that sounds like more from Megaman? (The text sound has been replaced, they could have done that)
    It sounds less sharp and more 8-bit. Speaking of 8-bit.

    I realize how much the sounds effects are different, especially, the death sound, it doesn't sound at all like the original, or atleast a channel is missing, I have this weird vibe that every sound effect got one of their sound channel turned down or muted because they all sound different, hell even the orgs are different, some waves just sound weird like the one of Mimiga village and gestation in itself is not the same. I kind of prefer it that way.(Not for Mimiga Village though)
    A thing I always liked about Cave Story's different version of the soundtrack is that it reflects perfectly the version that it comes from, original is just 8 bit music made by one guy, New is a soundtrack that lacks some channels or are too quiet and feels unfinished (except some tracks that are much better) and Remastered is what the title says, Cave Story 3D is a remaster of Cave Story to a new generation, completely leaving apart the original intention of a 2D game to be more advanced then that.

    Easily one of my favorite ports mainly due to nostalgia.
    I really liked the new Matrix.
    I really liked it too. There were a lot of ways in which it could have ended up being bad, but I ended up really enjoying it. Some people didn't like it, and I can understand why, but for what it did, I liked it. That being said though, I think that leaving Hugo Weaving and Laurence Fishburne out of the movie was the wrong move.
    I also enjoyed it. I saw it was getting some bad reviews before I actually saw it for myself, so I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought it was good
    You know, after Curly's Weird Crusade, I think I might just stop making things in general.
    It's fun to create sure, but I don't think I'm too good at anything.
    It's fine to stop making things if you're getting bored or too busy, but please don't do it because you think you're 'not too good at anything'! There're two issues with this. (1) You can't get better if you don't keep making stuff, and (2) That's just, like, your opinion! A lot of people (myself included) disagree and think you are, in fact, great at making stuff.
    Sorry for the rant but thought I'd put in my two cents here.
    I agree with you, @IdioticBaka1824. Just from creating, you are actually getting better; you will not notice a difference immediately, but it will surely surprise you later on.
    (Could perhaps be a little off topic) but:
    I remember that I used to create awful mods and surely did not put any effort in most of them (e.g., map creating), but that was how I was. Over the years, I have been getting better, and have been learning more just by exploring and learning new strategies. Besides, just because it took me a couple of years to improve on creating better maps, does not mean that it will take you a couple years for you to improve on something.
    Anyhow, do not think that you are "not good at anything," surely you are great something, but that may not always be your opinion; it could be someone else's opinion. Nevertheless, if the feedback results in preeminence, then that is how you should feel about it.
    Like @IdioticBaka1824 had said - I apologize for the rant, but I wanted to give you my advice on that.
    Wake up mommy, I just missed the bus.
    You can't keep doing this son, I am so disappointed in you.
    Dark mode fan be like:
    Ooh, fancy. You use Dark Reader?
    I do and noticed this when I disconnected once.
    Haha, how interesting. Dark Reader must love you.
    A thing I noticed that enerves me now is that in the New sprite they added the scarf behind but did not tie it around Quote's neck.
    it's just glued to his back.
    that was fixed in the switch version, at least. now we can see quote's neckwear in all its scarfy glory!
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