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oh man
I'm shooting for new content up until Egg Corridor. Should feature new ogg music, 4k graphics, voices, and some extra things. Not sure if I'll incorporate my old New Game+ mod and add more to it. Might make each component optional. We'll see. Since it's a lot of work for my slowness, it'll take some time.
Busy, but a status update for you zxin :D Missing: 3-4 songs, 1 full tileset, 1(?) background, redrawing all monsters, lots of redrawing for NPCs; voice acting... didn't go so well so far; might just use optional TTS voices, with a simple guide to encourage people to add voiced characters over time. So they can just record, replace, share and I could run effects on them. https://postimg.cc/n9Q89XMH
Since CS+ isn't freeware, I've been using the original sprites, resizing and starting from there. Right now, only some of the NPC sprites have taken inspiration from CS+. Like King's portrait and his whiskers, or the Doctor. (If you're saying that because of CS+ Quote in that pic, I just haven't replaced it yet.) Originally, all had CS+ gfx, but slowly replacing it with edited CS sprites.
As for voice acting, yeah! I should probably make a basic version of CS for this, documented, so anyone can record lines and just drop them in. Then anyone can just pick a VA mod they want. And maybe eventually create a version with all the voices already included.
@zxin - here are all the lines for the english demo, along with the file names: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7nvtkiatl5who1i/Voices.txt?dl=0 I.e. 0001 = 0001.ogg, 0002 = 0002.ogg etc. I was going to make an item to toggle all voices off/on in-game. I was recording in 48KHz mono myself. But, shouldn't matter what format you use. Maybe I should use excel or make a database, to easily create lists by character? Eh...
If you want the japanese along with it, I can look into doing that. I mean if the voices end up being made, might be worth making the item toggle english or japanese voices as well.
@zxin You mean, switch between English and Japanese text, along with the VA? I wasn't really considering that, I was thinking more along the lines of how people enjoy english subtitled anime with japanese VAs. I mean it's possible to change text too, but sounds like that should be saved for CSE2, so images can be easily changed as well. Or just edit a japanese version of the game.
But, it would be neat to have one unified game where you can change the text language at the touch of a button... (And VAs...)
I'm not rushing to add work until I actually have a demo though lol.