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  • There. Just did a round of L-B-Ps, and bookmarked a few pages I'm going to need later... I'm probably going to stop this at the end of the year(can't do it earlier, won't be fair)...
    Although I might be taking this too seriously...
    Late Birthday Posts: The Continuation(thanks IdioticBaka for announcing this): Pixel's Birthday
    Ikachan's NPC function pointer table is at 412B10, works as in CS. This is mostly useful for people trying to look at Ikachan's NPC code or make ASM mods of Ikachan. I happen to fall into the former category.
    (Note: The NPC structure isn't the same, so you'd need a different defines.txt! TODO on that.)
    (Another note: Apparently in Ikachan, some NPCs use the same AI functions. Specifically, the Attack Stars and Ben seem to use the exact same code, but with different collision types/other attributes that haven't been tracked down yet.)
    It's really hard to check that I am spelling this corectly. I'm going to have to use IE6 at this rate in order to actually see I am not even sure if I finished that sentence please why did you do this Noxid heeeelp
    i'm not sorry
    git gud at speling and gramar
    ...Found the code that pauses Cave Story when in background. (you'll see why soon enough if I finish this)
    ...Yes, but the problems still remain, in that you can't have the NPCs behave exactly the same, and singleplayer gameplay just doesn't synchronize.
    MultiCave (according to the post) solves the singleplayer gameplay issues by having a "master" who does basically everything involving gameplay.
    I'm solving the problem MMO-style(with some weirdness):Everyone lives their own adventure, but for NPCs that are part of the map, but not plot-important(defined by "does this have a event number?" and "does anything happen when you kill it?"), the closest player to them "owns" that NPC and can kill it.
    (Yes, the "next project" is a attempt at making something like MultiCave, but working with mods out of the box if possible, and using the Cave Story engine.)
    That style of thoughtful MP design is important in actually making it happen, but nothing is flawless.
    A few concerns that you should consider with that approach:

    - If the game is to be a hub for players to pass through on their own terms, you are gonna need enemy spawns.
    What stops a person from killing everything and leaving nothing for a guy who comes after?
    - How does important things like bosses refresh? Will completing the objective once yourself let you pass on while the boss respawns for players who haven't yet? (Think of this as a rite of passage).
    - Cutscenes involving player controls.
    - Item/weapon/loot distribution (though probably just have it spawn for all players to grab/trade their own).

    I'd love to see this happen, but I can only watch in fear at the undertaking you are trying to achieve.
    I've addressed all of these by going for a "single-player unless noted" design.
    Other players are simply "ghosts" that can't be interacted with.

    Any NPC that is important to TSC is NOT SYNCED, and doesn't follow these rules:
    A player can only kill NPCs that are either not synced, or closer to them than anyone else.
    This is because of the following:
    The server will take the NPC state from a client if they're closer to the NPC being changed than the server.
    The client will take the NPC state from the server if anyone is closer than the client to that NPC.

    NPC state includes if the NPC happens to be dead/alive, so if a client kills a NPC but the server doesn't accept the state(client was further from the NPC than another client), it will be replicated back to the client and the NPC will come back to life. XP doesn't sync, so the kill will still give XP.

    As someone must be in a room to "record" the state,it's guaranteed that if everyone is out of a room, the enemies will have respawned.
    Respawn rules are odd otherwise, but they do work okay as far as I've tested.

    Since the game is basically Cave Story, but with some synchronization done, cutscenes, and anything involving TSC are per-player. Bosses are included in this.

    Item distribution is "whoever killed it gets it" for now, since damage isn't replicated, just the non-existence of a NPC.

    Worst case scenario, you have to go on the IRC channel you're using for chat to tell everyone to leave the room so you can grind some more.
    (No, there's no in-game chat. A case of "have to get the major stuff working" looms over this project.)

    Yep, it's a mess-but it's all I think can really be done.
    And now the longest part: The user-wait.(Last time I released a project, this averaged somewhere around infinity...)
    Have self-confidence.
    For now I'm working on a mini-mod for Cave Story for the fun of it.
    It's "in the style of" Hello Penguin, and just as horrible, although it should be a nice example of a boss written in C (as opposed to ASM.)
    I'm not sure if I should release it as-is (right now the boss works fine, but I wouldn't consider it a high-quality mod at all-then again this is 'in the style of Hello Penguin', so I might get away with it) in favor of my next project(which I'm really excited about, but I'm not sure I can do) or try to improve it(when it's not a very good project anyway really, and basically just a okay example of N.I.C.E)
    Probably going to sleep for the night-best to see how NICE unfolds in the morning.
    ...Or I could just wait until the connection turns off, as it does every night, because I'm much more interested in seeing how long it takes to get a post...
    Working on a ASM mod so that people comfortable with C but not ASM can still make NPC replacements.
    (Yes, this is part of my attempt to make the insane suggestion of "Booster Story" a reality...) (EDIT: For the little extra I'm going to add, that is-it would be overkill to throw anymore than a few lines of code to make the booster infinite)
    Project N.I.C.E. has been released proper.
    Why is it I ever live chat? It never goes well.
    Expansion on the previous:
    My theory is that I spend more time writing forum posts, so they don't end up like what happens in live chat.
    For those who want to know... Well, he'll find this post soon enough, and I'll be hiding before that point.
    hi yeah I'm really sorry I told you that in such an abrupt way, please forgive me
    but what I meant is that you should definitely try to talk in a less formal way when in live chat, because it looks extremely weird and you look extremely stuck-up and high-and-mighty when writing like this. It's not a thesis, you can ease off the grammatical constructs and get to the point, like in oral talk
    Please try to take this as a piece of advice and not as an order or anything, now if you really prefer writing like you do now, well feel free to, but it's probably bound to make a lot of people feel uncomfortable
    so basically: you're spending too much time writing, period. Don't be a second HaydenStudios please
    to Hiino and Noxid: Ah- I see... Although when reflecting on the speech a few minutes after, I was also being overtly pedantic about Hello Penguin for no reason other than making conversation, studying the program's design forgetting that the program was designed to be written fast and throwaway, and generally being kind of a dick.
    to Hiino:
    As for what you mentioned, I tend to overformalize-It's me that's the problem, really.
    Some people are grammar nazis, and I generally grammar-nazi myself(although not others unless they specifically want advice on their speech), can't please everyone.

    I'm still avoiding live chat because in all honesty,
    I make even worse mistakes than being overformal when there's nothing to talk about, as I've mentioned.
    Again, sorry if there's something creepy about grammar-naziing myself, and about the points I noted above.
    Okay,my previous attempt at writing this sounded like some sort of evil prophecy.Attempt 2: It seems that the MS-paint avatars are spreading,and it wouldn't be good if they took over(they may be nice between us,but others will not see it that way)
    I'm glad I'm not the only one said this. Although, mine did deliberately sound like an evil prophecy.
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