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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Like putting together a theater room with THESE babies...
<a href='http://www.martinlogan.com/neolith/index.php' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.martinlog...olith/index.php</a>
Paired with the proper amps...
<a href='http://www.thetadigital.com/citadel_1.5_amplifier_info.shtml' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.thetadigi...fier_info.shtml</a>
and other audio equipment from them...
<a href='http://www.thetadigital.com/casablanca_iv_controller_info.shtml' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.thetadigi...ller_info.shtml</a>
and a bluray player!
<a href='http://www.thetadigital.com/compli_blu_3D_info.shtml' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.thetadigi...u_3D_info.shtml</a>

.... Stuff that will end up costing probably half a million to build the proper room complete with 4k projector/VR <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/frown2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />
It would make a wonderful theater though!

I guess I can shoot for a more REASONABLE personal class of high class...
<a href='http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JFHTN1Q/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=E88PZUIEFDSM&coliid=ISYAMH42U1C6N' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.amazon.co...d=ISYAMH42U1C6N</a>
That combo for instance would be probably on par, without the MASSIVE increase in price...

I started with crappy computer speakers... and a radioshack level set of headphones...
And over the years I've grown to appreciate sound more and more as I advance to the next level...!

Closed bose headphones at a price range of around 120$ were a major blissful discovery... Loved listening to songs, rediscovering all sorts of things I'd never heard before... But, eventually those headphones got old and broke... I got an on-ear bose replacement which I still use, and I think they are OK. But, I finally graduated to the Sennheiser Momentums... at around 200-350$ and wow... They really do blow me away. But, I've already seen their limitations, and I'm ready to further progress to the clarity of absolute sound reproduction...!!!!!!!!!!! (enough exclamations?)

So, hopefully the next upgrade will jump to that amazon level, and be the pinnacle of performance and as much as I'll ever have to pay ;-;
Going to be a while before I can afford them.... much more important things to save for xD
But, can't help wasting some time daydreaming, and typing this up occasionally lol
Well, while we're on the subject of technology and stuff, I was going to make a topic the other day about sharing neat things; but I guess it's not happening (lost the stuff I typed up).
Here's some neat (affordable) technologies I hope will grace our future...

<a href='http://tactustechnology.com/' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://tactustechnology.com/</a>
They have this neat microfludics technology for glass, that allows glass to reshape to a small extent, and then return to its original shape without leaving any trace that it was there. This kind of thing is currently pretty limited from what I see, like using it to create physical buttons on a tablet or iphone and having them vanish when you don't need them (making it easier to find and hit those tiny keys!). But, imagine this. One day if they could shrink this technology down to a micro level, like splitting up the areas that rise into countless small pixel sized areas that could be manipulated by the application. And suddenly you have a whole new level of tactile interactivity with phones. Instead of just flat screens, where you have to guess where to hit. You can raise parts of the screen in any freeform shape! Or maybe you are browsing a webpage, and then you can actually see links RAISE out of the page... Play whack the mole on your phone... with actual rising mole! D:
Or even just have braille for the blind on any device equipped with the glass...

Reshapeable flat glass that returns to its original shape... I'd like to see that day...