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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Sounds similar to World of Warcraft.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
It's a turn based game (like Pokemon), and the graphics are way more kiddish then other MMOGs.
It definitely looks like it's more geared towards kids. And huh, I didn't expect it to be turn based.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
The story starts kiddish, but the more you proceed in the game, it gets more and more serious. Like, insanely serious.
Sort of like Cave Story?
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Yeah. First story arc is with Malistaire, who lost his wife due to a nasty cold (or something like that), and is desprite to resorect her despite putting the rest of the world in jepordy. In the second world, it's found out that he was trying to take this super ultra powerful book called the Krokonomican, where it's found out that they the explorers there already shipped off to there home world (In the game, the worlds are broken up, but thankfully, you can easily travel between them.), and in the middle of the third world it turns out the master theif, Meowiarty, has stolen it and sent it over to Malistaire. The forth world you spend trying to rid the place of awful curses and stuff. The fifth and final world of the first story arc, at first you have to help stop a war that has been going on <em class='bbc'>forever</em>, like so long, that it lasting into the <em class='bbc'>afterlife</em>. Then, you need to help hatch a dragon to get to Malistaire to stop his ritual of waking a super powerful giant dragon that could very possibly ruin the universe.

The second story arc with Morganthe... Ohohohohoho... It's way more serious then that.
Wow, you seem to be pretty well-versed in the stories. o_o
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I can probably explain almost any story in a video game that I played, as well some life experiences. I can explain other stories too, but not as good as those two things.
You must have a photographic memory. I'm not too good myself at remembering things.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
It has been a couple of days.

My stepdad is apparently like that to. Very convenient for not watching a episode of a show or a movie again...

Speaking of convenient and rewarding, my body gave me the luxurious reward of vomit for the amazing achievement of being sick. Finally over it though. <del class='bbc'>Again.</del>
Most people say that vomiting makes you feel better, but that's never been the case for me. At least you're not sick anymore.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Isn't that, like, one of the things people do to try to lose weight?
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
TVTropes lol. I swear, sometimes they really over exaggerate things.

Also, I like Misery's blue hair. I dunno why, but I like Misery more then Curly Brace even from the start.
I prefer blue hair Misery over green hair, yeah. I don't really have a preference with either character, though.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Yeah, I like the blue hair better then the green too. Funny, though, 'cause I naturally have red hair, no joke. Opposites attract, huh?

Speaking of Curly, what do you think is the power source for Quote and Curly?
Two double A batteries. It's unfortunate because it's one of those containers that you need a screwdriver to open up, and we all know that those don't exist on the island.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Jack might secretly have one somewhere.
It's always the person you least expect.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Jack is going to get his revenge someday.

Lv.4 Bubbler
Still useless!