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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Me too. :-D

I keep thinking of this exchange between Quote and King.
<div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;"><strong class='bbc'>Message Box</strong>Defeated Rabid Toroko...
<strong class='bbc'>Quote:</strong> *Has a sad look on his face* ......
<strong class='bbc'>King:</strong> *Starts <em class='bbc'>Laughing</em>* Finally! That annoying ***** is dead!
<strong class='bbc'>Quote:</strong> *Looks at King with a surprised and horrified expression* ...What kind of sick rabbit <em class='bbc'>are</em> you!?
<strong class='bbc'>King:</strong> *Keeps on laughing*</div></div>
Obviously this is ghost King who, deep down in his heart, knows that he'll always have a special appreciation for Toroko. He's a monster but he's vulnerable in his heart ;_;
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
<span style='font-size: 8px'>Maybe.</span>

I think I might be better at using the Machine Gun then the <em class='bbc'>Spur</em>.

In my most recent run through of Boss Attack... I screwed up on Ballos's Final Form. Messed up boosting into his eye platform thing, and took to much damage from the rotating eye things. I got in there, spammed the Missile Laucher Lv.2 (It de-leveled), but got killed by one of the rotating eyes (I usually get hit by when shooting the Missile Launcher.) practically when he was at the most half health left. The time counter when I died, was 16:50.2
Could have cut my time by about 40-50 seconds...
Wow, that's a shame. I don't think I have ever died at that part, but it is nerve-wracking when you get there because it's the very end. Well, at least you know you're going to improve next time. : o
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Definitely. I got some better tactics against some other bosses, so I can probably improve my time easily.

Sometime, I gotta do a Sanctuary Run Through with only the Blade. Can't use the Missile Launcher or the Life Pot for Sanctuary Time Attack on the challenges, so I figured the Blade is the next best thing. You can bring up to five weapons with you if you want though.

Also, I found this comment on TVTropes: <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;"><em class='bbc'>Why stop at just Pokemon? Applying Mega Evolution to the human characters is a common joke as well. Mega Professor Oak, anyone? -On Meme Pokemon Page</em></div></div>
What version of the game do you have again? I don't like how a lot of them don't let you choose the weapons you want, but the DSi version is my favorite because you can choose pretty much anything.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I have the 3DS version.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Oops, it's Cave Story for the Nintendo E-Shop on 3DS, not Cave Story 3D.
Ah. That version of Hell is OK if I remember correctly??
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Yeah it's mostly okay, except for the very rare chance that the game might freeze because of Nicalis being in cahoots with Ballos.
It hasn't ever froze on me. That's weird.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
The Blood Stained Sanctuary and after defeating Monster X in Boss Attack is where it froze for me. One time after I lost against the Muscle Doctor, and tried to quit, it apparent turned black so I had to restart there as well.
Odd... unfortunately I don't think they ever updated the game, so it'll probably happen again.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I'm fine with it. It's not like I dealt with worse (Like trolls on Wizard101...).
Haha, Wizard101. I remember hearing about that when I was younger. Wasn't sure if it was still around.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Still is around and booming. I have a membership for it actually. Lv. 75 Storm Wizard! :-D
Misery would be a pretty good fit in this game, especially with if she was affiliated with Morganthe.
Whoa, I'm not familiar with any of the terminology. o_o
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Storm is basically water mixed in with electricity, and Morganthe is this evil witch (super resourceful and manipulative though) who wants to destroy the universe and re-make it in her image.
Sounds complicated. You must have a lot of experience with the game.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Yeah, I've been playing for a long time. The basic mechanics are pretty simple though. Very easy to download and play.