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Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Lol? Well, like, are you talking like literally right in front of Ballos? Like one square away?
Spawn yourself at the ghost puppy. Ghost puppies are totally not dangerous.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Ah okay. That clears things up.

Earlier today, I was doing a Boss Rush run with the Machine Gun, and I was doing great, until I screwed up in the fight with Misery, and because of that, it pretty much led to my death in the Undead Core fight.
Yeah, if that Machine Gun is anything but Level 3 than you're going to have a difficult time.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx

Also, naturally, I kinda noticed that some weapons are more effective in curtain boss fights. Like using the Machine Gun against the Sisters is pretty hard to do, but the Spur completely wreaks them. But in my experience, the Machine Gun seems to be more effective against the Doctor due to it's rapid fire and the Red Crystal having the possibility of ruining a Spur shot.

In my opinion as well, the Snake would be a heck of a lot more useful if it went through enemy armor.
I don't typically use the Machine Gun for the later bosses, interesting. I actually don't think I've ever tried using it against the Sisters.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I found it surprisingly effective. You should try it out sometime, although it's sort of like the Nemesis (Although pretty much all weapons are lol. More so with the Machine Gun though, except if you count the Bubbler.).
I usually go for the Nemesis, and the Bubbler is straight-up trash most of the time.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
The Nemesis is fun to use, but like the description says that it's pretty much experts only, because I have a hard time avoiding the experience triangles. Also, I heard somewhere that the experience triangles got the nickname "Doritos" because of how (apparently) simmer to those tortilla chips.

To bad the Bubbler did a little bit more damage, even if it's just enough to destroy strong projectiles.
Yes, a lot of people nickname the XP Doritos for that very reason. Tasty unintentional advertising.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
It would be kinda weird if someone accidentally somehow ate one.

A bit random, but when I (pretty much by myself) rate how good a weapon is against bosses, I don't count the Missile Launcher 'cause that thing practically DISINTEGRATES anything and everything that's in it's path that is not immune to it.
I will always count the Super Missile Launcher for that very reason. I mean, it's basically only useful for bosses.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx

Hey, just wondering, but what do you think happened when you "get" Chako's Lipstick from Chako?

Also, about the perverted thoughts thing, after saying earlier, I consciously realized what I mean when I say that. <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">Pretty much, I think that most people spend all their waking hours, everyday, think perverted thoughts (even though it's probably not true...). I suppose it has to do with the over sexulazation in America.</div></div>
Quote fucked Chaco (it's pretty much canon).
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I think that Chaco raped Quote.

Why? Well, Quote pretty much falls asleep instantly in practically any bed he sleeps in, and usually stays asleep for awhile, along with Chakos unhealthy interest in Quote.
I suppose that it's better Quote didn't know that happened.

If anything though, I think it would be Chaco did Quote. Not Quote did Chaco. (That kinda made no sense...)
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Do you think that it could be valid?

Also, talking with Cleverbot is kinda fun.
You're right. It could've worked either way, honestly.

And yes, Cleverbot can be fun to chat with. Sometimes you get some really good convos.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Hiya again.

I had a very weird dream involving Frys (an electronic store), Pokemon, Cave Story, a random guy, Falco (from Star Fox), Dark Pit (from Kid Icoris: Uprising), and even my own house. Want to hear about it?
Go ahead. I'm doubting that any of it will make sense.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
<div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">It first started off where I was outside a Frys electronic store, where a guy was trying to sell fake Nemesis and Ion (a gun similar to the Nemesis). I talked to that guy for a bit, and he said that the real Nemesis is suppose to be somewhere in the world. Then...

I suddenly find myself in some icy cavern as a Shinx, where after a long icy pathway (And on both sides there was a bunch of icy water, kinda like the ice version of lava.) I saw this Mudkip attacking a bunch of Bergmite for seemly no reason. I tried to intervene, but he got all pissed off and disappeared. Not long after, he was trying to shoot at me with Water Shuriken on top this flying round icy platform (kinda like that disc Fawful flies on in Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story). Apparently, there was no way I could actually hit him back, so I had to run all the way until the end of the icy pathway, where it was apparently safe. Thing was, there was a bunch of obstacles between where I was and the safe point (Kinda like the final fight in Super Mario 3D Land). While I was running and trying to evade the Mudkip's Water Shuriken shots, Falco showed up out of nowhere and started running along side of me trying to shoot at the Mudkip with his Blaster while evading the Mudkip's shots and dodging the obstacles (kinda like some action movie lol). Near the end, I apparently got hit by the Mudkip, but I got to the safe zone (where apparently 512- suddenly showed up above my head). Falco was all the sudden pissed at me all the sudden, because I got hit, because apparently if you didn't get hit by the Mudkip's attacks at all, this Charmander is suppose to show up out of nowhere in the safe zone and just give you the real Nemesis. Then...

I was back at my house in our driveway with Dark Pit, Balrog, Misery, and this guy who looked like the Hermit Gunsmith (but he wasn't the Hermit Gunsmith). Misery and that random guy went inside my house, while Balrog and I were in go-karts racing each other outside, doing laps around the outside of the house, where on the third or forth lap, we stopped because we saw Dark Pit staring at the bee near this birdhouse near out garage door. This bee suddenly started hitting on Dark Pit, and then we were all freaked out and ran inside and locked the door. We found Misery and the random guy in our living room just hanging out watching TV or something.

Then the dream ended.</div></div>