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  • Hi, Matt. I know I've barely ever talked to you ever, so for the record I do respect you. Anyway, this is really silly, but it'd be nice to get this off my conscience. Could you never review/criticize/look at [not a]MOD? I'm guessing you had no intention to or any idea of what that is, but I <em class='bbc'>know</em> it's pretty underdeveloped and bad. I'm not sure it even counts as a mod. I haven't had a chance to improve on it in the longest time now. It's buried in the showcase subforum, but I've had a silly longstanding fear that someday you'd somehow find it. Please don't. I know I can do better than that...so, yeah. Have a good day and sorry about the rambling ~•.•~
    Also stop respecting me, I don't do things. I'm just the guy who voices his opinions and offers help to people from time to time. I'm a lazy person who plays video games all day, does the bear minimum of things I need to do, and then goes on and tells other people the things they do wrong. All of my experience is in failing and all I can say is to not do some of those things. All the things I get on people about are mistakes I've made before and it lets me beat my old self a bit. If you really are afraid of what I have to say then you gotta know that neither I or anyone else should actually matter to you.
    I've never personally met anyone who doesn't deserve respect. I don't know about your personal life, but the good things you do for others shouldn't be discounted by anything else you do, I think.

    Anyway, even though I had wanted to say that for awhile, I think in retrospect it was pretty silly of me. People should be allowed to say what they'd like of (or to) me, and it was far too fearful and somewhat immature of me to try and shut that down. It wouldn't even hurt /that/ much, and I'd bounce back quickly enough. It was a really unnecessary request, but I don't regret talking to you a little.

    Speaking of which, someone mentioned that you wanted to talk about something? I'm...up for that, if you wish.
    I don't recall saying I wanted to talk about something but thank you for that. If I remember I'll get back to you.
    Okay so I completely forgot to send you the next version or w/e, you still interested?
    Yeah sorry, I had a bit of surprise work from my group project to do.
    It's fine! I completely forgot to send you the thing anyway a few days ago, so really, don't worry 'bout it.

    PM'd you it, by the way.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'><p>Why paying your Moss will be different from playing another</p></blockquote>
    So were you suggesting I follow common sidescroller format and make a mario/megaman-esque theme for Amamichi? I wasn't exactly sure what you meant.
    Okay, Officially sticking around for awhile. Noxy has brought me back. Trying to have some affect the moding community a bit.
    The mod idea is Cave Syory with one guys as quote who can run around and different guy is playing gun who shoots for quote.
    I just need help making all the sprites an coding everything and writing the music, signups to help me open now!
    Oh sure! Are you gonna quit halfway? Cause I won't work on this if you don't.
    I'm planning on not even starting, actually.
    But you'll still need to do work for me before I give up
    So I am lurking about now before my return. Good luck with that.
    It's nice you're back.
    Oh hi. I played that mod you made. That haunted house one.

    Yeah. It's all coming back to me.
    Oh, fine! I'm uploading new version soon.
    Not bad. I've got a job for the next four months, so that might slow down my supplemental work, but at least I am getting paid..!
    It's a coop position through the university at an insurance company
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