Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

I just don't know.

I'm gonna throw this out there...

- I'm not cool

- I no longer care to be cool

- Cool just means accepted among you guys

- I want to be with you guys, but you guys have changed me to much, I'm cussing now, that never happened before.

- I have a toxic attitude to others

- My brother and sister hate me now pretty much.

- Suu No Monogatari has been on hold forever now

- I hate ASM hacking as it's both a curse and a blessing

- I hate that feeling where I need to be accepted, but I'm not.

- I spend waaaay to much time on things that don't last, like my Sonic obcession and also my ASM hacking isn't doing my any good. I'm just lurking around you guys, and if my parents saw all the stuff you guys did, the would most certianly not approve.

- I'm sick of living a lie anymore, I <del class='bbc'>want</del> need to leave, you are unintentinally destroying my faith.

- My best friend just gave up on his dream, and I swore to not do the same thing, but it looks like I am gonna give in, when GiR first said that most mods end up orphans sooner or later.

- Hayden is gone, he was really my only other friend here, other then dear Polaris. I don't want to end up like hayden, all this time he spend here finally did him in, he's just a snobby jerk according to GiR and coldcalleroppy

It's just to much for me guys. It hurts to have foes that I cannot be-friend in the end.

After that talk with Dunc on skype I now realise that I do not fit in.

and I no longer want to fit in.

you can lable me as a sissy, and a coward for running away from my problems, but some battles are better left.

Ever since I joined, I knew that this wasn't the best place for a conservative <del class='bbc'>christian</del> Messianic Gentile to hang out at, but I didn't want to face the facts, and it's only gonna get worse from here.

I'm not gonna be the next Hayden.

goodbye everyone, It's been fun while it lasted
: (
Wanna talk to me on Steam? I don't know if you've talked to Hayden since his ban, but it sounds like there may be a few misconceptions.
I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, but if being here is having a negative effect on the rest of your life then leaving isn't going to make it worse, even if it's only for a while so you can gather your thoughts. I don't enjoy seeing this sort of thing happen to people and I hope you'll recover soon.
I talked to TP, and I'm gonna take some time off. (I've been modding for a month straight and it's driving me crazy)
I know how you feel, because I've had several moments of feeling out of the "group" that may all just be in our heads, that this place isn't good, that Modding is nothing in the end.

All I care is for you to make the right decision, which only you can in the end figure out. This is your crossroads, not ours.
"- My best friend just gave up on his dream, and I swore to not do the same thing, but it looks like I am gonna give in, when GiR first said that most mods end up orphans sooner or later."

If this happens to be referring to me, then I again state that I feel really, really good with my new projects, and their reflection on my potential. Don't take CT's end, which I knew would be hard on you, as a giving up, but rather an advancement of potential.

I hope for the best in your life.
Actually I found out the problem.

It was my and my crazy modding schedule.

Without "red static" in the way, I have time to draw, I can mess around with ORG maker, Play some mods, Watch some more Sonic X, and I just feel a lot more relaxed... Like I was waaaaay over due for a break.

I was a little upset when you canceled CT, but I guess if it's for the better, then I can live with it.
Glad to hear that you've found out what's wrong! Hey, if you ever need some assistance with OrgMaker, I'm always around.
Yes, I know, but I've asked so much from you already.