Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

If this is your first try at it you're really good at it imho
Thanks! I might be able to do little amounts, but it's thanks to the power of undo... My eye sees things are wrong, but my hand usually won't make the correct angles/curves, etc of what needs to be done... I can tell it really needs daily practice.

For instance I started to try to eye-ball another piece before going to sleep...
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
I surrender for tonight... It's been a long day, and I fell asleep sitting up while drawing...
that's a bad d;
Mmmm, tonight I thought I'd do something different, and attempt to start drawing a background scene.
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
This time it's the island! Though, more along the lines of the island from before the war in my kind of imaginings...
Anyway, it needs *more* than a hour for me to complete... Most of it is still in scribbles, needs replacing. And color. Sometime I should play with color... (PS no reference image for this one!)

Tomorrow maybe I should try reading a tutorial to learn something...
I started to make a doodle for you... ;D

Without your status I've been posting on, I might have just put off drawing... and never have gotten around to it... like I usually do. (My poor mod!) So tanks for your goodwill! ;D
And ElecMaw, if you're there thanks again for that big tribute art with all the members... It got me thinking about art...
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>

So~I really wanted to complete this one before posting: do a finalized line layer to replace it, and try adding color... but sadly (and funly~) a friend came on and I was on Terraria till 5 AM ;-; And I probably won't be on tomorrow so... Arhg! But thought I'd post it anyway... Never played pokemon... but I know of Gardevoir ;D ... It was fun to draw too...

(Reference : the girl who lept through time to help imagine the pose, and gardevoir google images to see gardevoir in various styles...)
...I was in the middle of redrawing the legs, since they looked too humanish and ended up having a hard time keeping the whole body pose, as one... The overall goal I had in mind was kind of happy leaping gardevoir... lol

And as for my art... My strategy to success ... is ...
WHAt the birds are already chirping?? Oh no, it's 6 AM ><
Thank you so much! And I'll put the tanks to good use. ^-^

Don't worry about the incompleteness, it looks really good for a doodle. You got every single part of its design right, so it's clear you put those reference images to good use. (I'm proud of you for using a Google Images Gardevoir search, by the way. It takes courage. =o) I think I remember which images you took inspiration from, and you put it together pretty well. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

I'd be interested in seeing how nice it would look if you do finalize the lines and add color. I'm interested in seeing how far you can go in art, really. Keep going! <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mrgreen:' />
Back~ I'm going to try to keep at it!

Yep, that google image for Gardevoir... I'm not entirely sure safe search was on... I saw ... "Not Gardevoirs" x_X lol
I'll probably revisit that picture, and others, over time. But, not sure when... Maybe I could attempt to do one finished piece a week, and the rest just practice?

Anyway,, with how positive things went: I decided to jump straight to drawing a real person after watching, the Hunger Games : Catching Fire! (Mmmmmm...)

uh... not sure if it's worth posting but ... for the record :
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
Things kept looking wrong, and it was taking so long; reality is tough....... I gave it a shot, but I'm going to have to build up to this... (Looking back, I should have searched for other sketch styles first, rather than jumping straight with a photo.)
The photo : <a href='' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Here</a>

PS - WoodenRat did an amazing job with a realistic piece in the art thread...
"Not Gardevoirs" is a good way to put it. -.-

Anyway, just do whatever you'd like! If you start feeling like it's a job or something, it might make it more frustrating or boring for you. The picture is good for what it is, but I can see why you'd have trouble just jumping into a photo like that. Don't worry about it too much, I think. c:

WoodenRat is a really good artist, ya. =o
Yeah, I'm enjoying drawing so far. It does take up precious time and I do force myself to put it in my schedule... but, art opens up possibilities. Just letting it be some kind of distant mirage you can only watch, is no good for an entire life... There are many things one might want to do in their life. Being able to create a little art, is one of them for me xD After saying that though, I do have a habit of jumping on the next boat that catches my eye before I can really develop something. Let's see how long I can hold out...

btw, if you get bothered by these status updates, that are almost like a little drawing blog, tell me! Perhaps I should start posting them in the uh picture gallery section instead? Or setup another wordpress... but that becomes depressing... I like status updates xD But, if they are bothering... It's best to know~

...and finally, here's today's work. ;D
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
Supposed to be Jenn from JonSpider's mod Jenn's Journey, although I took a little liberty. Hopefully it's not too big, here's a link in case it gets resized funny : <a href='' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>link</a>.
I really need to practice bodies and clothes next...
I'm not really bothered by the stream of updates, forums are kinda dead at the moment anyways =/
And you're doing a great job at this!
Mmmmm, maybe most people are busy with school? I admit I'm guilty of not being very active besides checking a few random topics a day, besides these updates...
And thanks! I'm trying to skip the part about needing experience, but I do feel like I'm scratching a brick wall. I spend 98% of my time fixing my mistakes, rather than just drawing. Digital drawing is forgiving, but...

And today, we have :
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
Saber! From Fate/Zero. I debated about doing Madoka, or focusing on body poses; did read a little "how to draw manga" thing I downloaded, but ended up listening to Oath/Sign and picked Saber... Sadly, by the time I finished the face... (The hair was tough, I was getting lazy..........) ;-; I didn't have much steam left for the body and armor. So I cropped xD Originally was going to start with the body, but a headless Saber ... bothered me...

Ah well... eventually I'll get to it...
Hey, progress is progress. Even a little dabbling in art is something you can be proud of! I don't buy the common "Life is short" saying, but it's still great to see all the things you can accomplish before your time comes. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

And no, I don't mind the status updates at all! I'm used to status threads, they're cozy. (I've had a 100+ comment conversation with ElecMaw in the past, after all. =o) And it would be better than a wordpress or something, so don't worry about it. ^^

Sorry I didn't reply earlier, by the way. I have this tendency to feel like I need to make a really good reply to something and get discouraged from actually starting...<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':koron:' />

Anyway, Jenn and Saber look absolutely awesome. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> I don't think Jenn's looked better. I actually like the smiling one more, but who knows what Jon prefers. I'm not familiar with Saber, but she looks good. I wouldn't have guessed that you cropped it, you positioned it well so it looks kind of like a portrait. ^_^

In my experience, digital art is 98% fixing and fine tuning. And your end results are looking really good!

I think you might not be giving yourself enough credit, X. You're doing a really good job. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mahin:' />
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
Quick placeholder scribble ;P

Thanks Polaris <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> I'm similar about posting... I've scrapped alot, even whole topics!
And on that note...
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<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
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<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
Meowwww Meow MEwow My Little Brother's Blog

20XX :
I finally got my X capsule from ACME. It took FOREVER

PS...Did I mention that some witch thought it would be funny to teleport me into a labyrinth with no exit?
Meow Meow, cats love jokes, meow meow
But I've got my X Capsule now! I'm going to tunnel out of this place, soon as I assemble this tank!
And these Gaudi are actually really helpful. Well, soon as I "persuaded" them.

20XX sometime later :
... So... I got it built, at last. Was getting ready to leave the place with those Gaudi when suddenly out of NOWHERE, an angry pale kid comes rampaging through the place with a gun! Poor Gaudis didn't stand a chance. I decided I'd be a stand up cat and help the poor guys.

! ! MISTAKE ! !

The kid ended up being some kind of psycho ROBOT! Not only did he TOTAL my X MACHINE, but he thought it would be funny to scribble "Monster X" on the wall and left.

...Yeah, so. Maybe he did open the way out, but this panther will track down his prey as soon as I get my brother.
My brother teach him a thing or two! And then we'll scribble MONSTER BOY on his little red hat.

Better watch your back Monster boy!

-I scrapped that last night, it didn't quite match the story you made after I re-read... lol
Anyway, your story made me laugh xD Wasn't expecting to find the tail of X-Calibar's long lost brother...

So, although I didn't draw today (much), I did a little abstract digital artwork and... well, it's creepy filter art, but I guess I'll share it since I find it fun to make occasionally. The fun thing is it started as a few scribbled black and white words and poof after lots of filters it turns into something entirely different lol.

...Maybe it's a strange tunnel, or the cave story's eyedoor's eye up close if in reality... Creepy but cool? Maybe...?
In any case, here's my old deviantart which includes others that used filters too : <a href='' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'></a>
I meant to do more today, but alas...
At least I did make a little video to show how I currently draw by recording some of the undo states in Photoshop.
<iframe id="ytplayer" class="EmbeddedVideo" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen /></iframe>

I will continue working on it later~
The cat, I didn't use a reference until about where it pauses for a few seconds. But, even with a reference, I couldn't quite figure out how a cat's back leg is supposed to look... And as for the character at the end... She still needs a lot more work! She's supposed to be from a mod I wanted to do...
Very interesting video! The cat you drew is really cute, the girl's nice too. (From a mod you wanted to do? Mysteeeeerious.) I also liked the music...-w-

It looks like you draw by making tons of careful lines and erases, refining your art as you go. Makes sense. I tend to draw all at once, so ^_^;;
I need to learn how to be sketchy. I can't do that well for some reason.

I'm glad you liked my story! I made it on a whim. :3

I also tend to scrap everything. Stuff in the nether includes:a poll, a thread, a few dozen status updates, and some posts - one of them half finished. I'm pretty terrible with this.

"Filter" art looks really neat and isn't too difficult to make. I've already used it to make some odd sprite art for [not a]MOD, maybe I'll use such things to make more traditional art someday.
Also! Little message from Doors before you posted the cat. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>Critique is kind of important no matter what stage you're in
It's not easy to learn completely on your own, and it certainly helps to get an outside opinion
That being said, his sketches are better than mine. I can't really point out much wrong about them, besides the fact that in his latest piece of art (besides the placeholder) it looks like the person's face is a bit caved in at the bottom.</p></blockquote>
Haven't done anything in a long while...
But here's a pic I did tonight! It's pretty rough.
Man..? or Beast..?
<span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='' alt='Posted Image' /></span>
Use your hand to cover from the middle to the right, or from the middle to the left~

After my last two exams, maybe I can finally get back into being artistic!