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  • wow so I got one of my friends to play Cave story and he got stuck in the sand zone thing, saying he's had a puppy on his head for a really long time and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do with it and apparently its because....he OVERLOOKED the sand zone residence. So I told him about that and he was pretty surprised that he didn't see it. Then after like a while he skyped me again saying that the door was locked and he still didn't know what to do with the puppies, and apparently he somehow OVERLOOKED Jenka's house...he must be blind.
    I wonder what it's like to be a male. No, seriously. Are they really that different from girls?(Don't be an idiot, I know they have different body structure.) Guys don't talk about celebrities and make up like most girls do, but other than that I can't really think of any other profound aspect that makes them so different.
    wow. I actually didn't know guys thought girls that lurk on game forums and stuff were wierd or disgusting..but uh...huh. I never really thought of other people like that, anyways. Yea, the guys here on the forums are pretty nice for the most part, which is why I've actually hung around until now. The forums I normally join kinda make me feel out of place since the people on them are mostly sour lemons.

    Also, hello to you too c:
    It's guy instinct to act all tough and find new people to complain about, and when you are safely behind a computer screen it's much easier to do that. I'm kinda guilty of whining aswell and i'm doing my best to stop doing that. >_<

    And yeah the guys around here are kinda cool, just be aware of the younger kids around here.
    Sorry for kinda derailing your post, Pomfy. D:
    That's ok :3 I don't mind
    So apparently I heard from my friend in Canada that it was colder where he lived than the average temperature of Mars. That's...huh.
    It's just a happy face, I guess. I normally just use emotes alone when I don't know what else to say
    I wish all Canadians good luck in braving the cold until summer.
    yea, same
    Just thought up of another animation, but that sucks 'cause I won't have much time to animate since winter break ends the day after tomorrow, and by the next weekend I'd have lost most of my motivation already D:
    So is the story of the Teumessian Fox and Laelaps the dog supposed to be the first paradox ever?
    Can't believe I pulled an all nighter animating one thing. Time sure does fly when you're focusing eh? -.-
    So I *was* gonna do that prank where you order a pizza at 11:57pm then call them at 12:01am to say that "I ORDERED MY PIZZA LAST YEAR WHERE IS IT?!?!" but then I realized they're not open that late ._.
    Today I learned that if you want to slash someone's tires, don't slash all four; only slash three because if you slash all four their insurance will pay for it but if you only slash three they'll have to pay for it out their pocket.
    ...do we want to know how you learned this?
    Oh,and they could totally slash the last one themself. :3
    Lets just say the internet happened.
    And oh, yea :c they could. Darn it ._.
    So I just watched the first episode of Kill La Kill since I heard it was made by the same guys who made Gurren Lagann...and now I'm in that "just one more episode" mode..I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight ._.
    Don't lose your way.
    ...I just realized your profile pic..nevermind.
    I now have his theme playing.
    Just finished a christmas animation I've been working on for like 3 months...so 9000% done with this crap -___- and it didn't even turn out as good as I wanted it to..but at least I made the deadline with a few days to spare. Still though, I'm disappointed in myself :c
    I've been wondering all day; if an invincible unstoppable object collides with an invincible unmovable object, what would happen?
    (Mind Blown) And thanks :3
    Did you get that idea from a Scribblenauts game, by any chance?
    Nah, my friend randomly blurted it out yesterday at lunch, I'm pretty sure she doesn't play Scribblenauts though, she's a pretty anti-technology kind of person.
    Once, a boy told me, "You need to go out more." Confused, I asked him, "What is an out? Does it taste good?"
    Maybe with some barbecue sauce...
    Animating, animating, more animating..I need winter break to come faster so I can animate some more =w=
    1:50AM Almost killed Ballos and my cat comes and randomly starts walking all over my keyboard..
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