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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

we aren't really that different afaik
maybe a bit more apathetic
We are generally more blunt and lax, but there's also the ratio of men seeking women/women seeking men on craigslist which will tell you more than you possibly want to know
Then again, sometimes we wonder how it's like to be a female. Though we would still be acting like males if we are females.
Ahhh, you don't want to be a female..being female sucks, cause
1) Your parents won't let you do anything because somehow you'll get kidnapped, but your brother gets to do whatever he wants.
2) Boys are simple : Food, Water, Video Games. Girls...no..
3) Most of you probably know, we are SO indecisive. A yes or no question can be turned into a "Depending on Y, X can happen so I'd say Yes, but no at the same time because _insert run-on sentence here_"

But then again, guys *can* be like that too, so I dunno. Must collect more data to be sure.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
Hello fellow female here. We definitely have to face that standard of having to be "protected" (especially if you're the youngest daughter), whereas men are viewed as stronger. And men in general areconsideredmore aggressive, instinctively sexually driven, and more conservative with their emotions. So the whole bit with protecting daughters is somewhat understandable but also rather annoying, especially if you have a good set of male friends who are the opposite of all that.

Another topic: it's really lousy being a girl on the internet. It goes several ways. If you're open with your gender identity you're labeled as an attention-whore just by association, guys are up on you just because you're a girl, or you're assumed to be gross and unattractive because you aren't out doing #justgirlythings. The whole stigma (especially the former) makes it hard to talk about your emotions, especially in a male-dominated community, without being regarded negatively. But these guys are ok
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
Anyway, I'm mostly rambling. Hello there, good to see another female around here, haha.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
@the cragslist bit: I dunno, most of what I see are men seeking men! (Not that there's anything wrogn with that)
It's not just being a girl that sucks, those people you described are just plain assholes and creeps. They'll label men as gays and people who can't get laid just as easily.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
Oh totally. That's why I avoid internet groups like that. And it's sad how many of those exist (ie 4chan, 9gag, etc). In my opinion it's kind of mob-mentality too. Every other asshole is saying "lol fag" and acting like they're the alpha males when really they're probably just as "pathetic" as the people they rip on >_>
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
As I said, you guys are cool :> go back several years ago and we had a lot more of what I described, but I say we have a decent group of fellas here.