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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

If you mean for our beliefs, trust me, there are people you should feel more sorry for. After all, there are people who don't even believe in our God at all. If you want to be sorry for someone, be sorry for them.
I don't want to be sorry. You all are forcing me. And I will rightly feel sorry equally for all other beliefs regardless.
Just please don't stretch this on.
Alright what I'm saying here is that you're making an awkward situation, and forcing your beliefs down our throats. Alright, you can feel sorry for us, sure. What is not acceptable is you saying that it is right to be sorry for all other beliefs. In doing that, you are belittling our beliefs, and by extension, us. Belittling us is certainly not showing humility, which I'm sure you'll agree is not how someone like us, be we Muslim or Christian, should act. I trust that if the both of us remain firm in our beliefs, we will both reach Paradise. Arguing over semantics like you're trying to here is unnecessary. Does that make sense?
I am only belittling false beliefs. Religion is binary. There is one right thing and others are wrong. There's nothing in between.
If you just don't want to save yourself, forget the whole thing. And sorry for sounding stubborn, I'm just trying to help.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
This only further proves my point.
Anyway, you can leave.
Baka, you may be trying to help, but I don't think you're going about it the right way...

I don't really agree with you. Faith is faith, and there is no real "false" one because there's no hard evidence that Islam or Christianity are the only true way of living and worshipping. If there was, we wouldn't need belief, we'd have facts. And that would undermine the whole point of a religion, wouldn't it?

And I also don't think that religion is binary. Lots of religions have at least a grain of truth to them, and again, there's no evidence any of them are irrefutably true. It's entirely possible that all religions are true, or none of them are. All you can really do is practice your own and not stop believin', I think.

Telling someone that your religion is the only right one and asking them to convert is a bit rude, and not necessarily truthful. We shouldn't pray for a Christian to become a Muslim, but for a Christian to become a better Christian, and for a Muslim to become a better Muslim. At least, that's what I think. And while I can't be absolutely true, I'd love it if you gave that a little consideration. I would gladly accept damnation in your eyes for my own beliefs.
I may have been going about it the wrong way, but I do have hard, logical evidence.

But forget it.
...hm. As you wish...I'll stop talking, then.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
Logical evidence...ok
You are being very disrespectful trying to shove beliefs down other peoples' throats. It's again proving my point on how toxic this is. If you're that passionate, find another forum to talk about it.
I was only trying to help. If you don't want it, I'll stop.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
Here's a word of advice: Only help those who want to be helped. And even then, your form of help may mean something entirely different to them, especially when religion is involved. You're still young and you seem to be heavily influenced by such things, but maybe in time you'll learn. The world isn't that simple.
Okay, I'll stop!
Thank you. One more thing to keep in mind: your belief that religion is binary is only that: a belief. Many people here believe otherwise, myself included. Be considerate of all other people's beliefs, as much of what you've said here is quite hateful.
I'm very sorry for my ignorance and impatient approach. I promise to try to improve. Please, can anyone find it in their heart to forgive me for now?
Thank you so much for this.
Certainly, I'll forgive.
Thank you too.