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Wedge of Cheese

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  • Just like to say thank you for your dedication, I dreamed this project would actually happen. The title screen of the web page or wateva, i would really like it if it said "DJ Corey and Wedge Of Cheese Presents, Cave Sotry Remix Project 2!" Up to you though. Ive done some rather nice artwork, Its on paper but im remaking it digitally now
    Im really liking the forums!
    Any Progress on the remix project?
    Dnt worry not forcing you :)
    Just askin if you will keep in touch.
    Wat country are you from cus its hard you see withj timezones and all that lol :P
    Im from UK and just sent this post at 18:15
    Cheers Mate
    DJ Coret
    *cheese gets noogied*
    *lace boogies*

    eh, wut?
    you planning any slash and hack assemblies for your mod?
    yah, issokay.
    I think its meh, not me', but us younguns have bad memory sometimes.
    and your avvy just made me have a heart attack.
    no biggie.
    everyone's like, 17 or 18 tho.
    I feel so miniature.

    also, what university?
    mah brothers going to tufts, does that count as competitive?
    I'm closer to breaking 900 then you are to 700 cheezers.
    whatever happened to within 5 posts of eachother?
    why has you died?
    you could procrastinate it another 12 days and then give it to me as a birthday present!
    One of my friends has an uncle who I imagine is a bit like yours for some reason.
    He's an ecstacy addict and he writes and sings songs like Don't Go Shopping When Your Naked, Primary School Punk and Anarchy in The Kitchen.

    I haven't actually met him but he just sounds like the kind of person who would say slightly wrong and messed up things to his nephews and neices and such
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