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Wedge of Cheese

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  • I'm wondering, do you know about all the instrument packs for PxTone out there? Like, Pepofont and TetraPulse?
    Interesting ideas. I hadn't really thought much about gameplay (which is dumb), but I really do like the idea of logic gates. It sorta reminds me of how in that pic of beta CS (of chies hut) there is a red wire running thru the wall. Also, a highly electronic cave filled with Glaceu is ripe for excellent stories. Devices, too, could be interesting. Fans, retracting walls, explosions, and physics modifiers would all be awesome. And, not to overuse a word, ripe for ideas.

    How I had originally imagined navigating these caves would be via digging - destructing the terrain around you. Combining these gameplay methods would be cool. Probably most easily done via walls you can't dig thru (so you have to use switches), but perhaps there's a more creative solution.

    Of course the ultimate goal is always to go up, but "goal lights" could unlock passages upwards.

    Maybe open ended? That way you have to leave yourself ways to retrace your steps.
    Procedurally generated?
    Maybe dirt isn't just "removed" but has to go somewhere. What if by digging you merely picked it up, and you had a limit on how much dirt you could carry, but you could put it down somewhere?

    Thanks for the ideas, I hope this game turns out good.

    Also, what math is there left for you to be in? Linear algebra?
    And how boss is this outfit?

    Edit: Got meh timer back a vm ago. It's just like home!
    prop two is basically no affordable housing.
    haven't read the entirety of your post yet, so Imma send you another message in a few mins.
    I've been basically doing a lot of homework a lot, and my computer crashed on thursday. I think it's a power supply error, but it could just as easily be a boot sector virus.

    Anyway, I hooked my mom's netbook up to my monitor, sound system, etc, and there really is no noticeable difference in performance. All my files are on my HD tho, and my mom's comp is a laptop, which I don't feel sane opening, my sisters computer has no SATA power cord, and my brothers old comp wants me to redo the BIOS settings to make it work, which is a massive pain.

    Basically, no progress, though I might be able to do something once I diagnose the error.

    I took the PSATs today and one of the questions was a bout mulan. :P
    (don't tell anyone though, I'm not supposed to say! :x)
    Question: for this project, will we be using the new sprites now? or the old ones (since you know, the mod's gone double res).
    The output can only connect to one input, but changing this might be good. maybe two output threads.
    Connections are formed whenever a particle has a free output string (ie, whenever one enters the system, or has its connection broken), and are broken when a particle strays too far from its connectors.
    I don't think so, but it might make more interesting behavior if so.
    The particles can move side to side by themselves, and other than that, physics.

    idk. Maybe I could do about half plain water particles and half thinking particles, that would allow more "water" in the room, and also keep the semblance of intelligence.

    Yes, I was hoping for emergent behavior, but woefully, I'm just hoping for the best. However, whenever one creates a hive, it generally does have some kind of crazy behavior.

    Mebbe a third desire could keep things interesting? One that varied randomly depending on the particle?

    Or another type of particle? On that had the desire to learn, and had many, many, outputs, and many many inputs? This particle could remember the consequences of actions, and by having so many different particles desires run through it, could regulate the actions towards the better.

    Maybe something else.

    Also, how the heck does your list work?
    strange rule, obvious solution.


    consider an individual.
    Now, this individual has two desires:
    - To Fall
    - To Herd

    Each of these desires has a value within the individual. And they can both increase or decrease for different reasons. Falling desire increases with time, and decreases when the individual falls. Herding is in inverse proportion to how many other individuals are nearby.

    Each individual has four "wires" connected to it. One is an output wire, and the other three are input wires. output wires can connect to input wires to form a full draw.

    When an individual's desires reach a certain threshold, that individual sends out a message down its output wire. The individual that receives this message has its values increased by a bit, too.

    I hope this sounds at least a bit familiar, it's sorta a conglomeration of three different ideas - hive minds, neurons, and water. Basically, I want to create a HUGE amount of these particles, make them really tiny, and use them as "intelligent water" in this new game I'm making. Basically my main idea was that you'd have to help the water get what it wants in order to get what you want. But I don't know quite how I would do it, but hive mind might be a good idea.

    Laso, http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64587.
    I actually think this would work on a small scale where people aren't total asses - potential legal system for the frumz?

    I think it'd be sweet, maybe an interesting experiment.

    Of course you'd have to keep logs of all past versions, all proposed (but failed) versions, and keep track of cross linkage so that if a rule is changed, you are notified of rules it effects. Maybe to keep checks and balances, a sorta court of moderators?

    I'd like to see it tried. What you think?
    haha, did you bounce over it when the postcounce returned to normal?

    Three is enough for both of us, don't you fret.
    offline. :(
    mebbe I'll be on tomorrow.
    Hope you got my birthday salutations.
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