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  • How can you be in a small community on the internet (the good parts of the internet that take finding), and not know anything about 4chan?
    Woot! i got online again! Held off any cave story stuff for the moment, i am a bit too lazy to really do anything now, and i am still learning how to use cave editor.
    Also, did you play my LBP levels?
    Would you believe a conversation on /v/?

    Also, I like birds. A lot. I find the eye quite striking on this one :O And also the fact that it looks like it's talking.
    yeah sorry about that(about my uh message)

    Yeah That help Thanks(I really thought I was day.. night dreaming)
    hEY vOID(oops forgot to un press the capslock button 'cause I'm a scripting right now)

    Can I ask A question?
    Is it true that just adding Npc, err like NpcFahrenheight,
    will be enable to use it for Npc sprite in CE?



    Fahrenheight: hmm I wonder if NpcChar will work..

    Fahrenheight: hmm guess not, didn't see it..

    Fahrenheight: well back to scripting..

    Fahrenheight: Oh yeah forgot to set Npc tile set..
    what the.. Char sprite?? AM I SEEING THINGS!!!

    (cause I thought your a CE expert or something, that's why I asking You this but
    editing an existing tile set is easiyer than making one anyway.. AM I REALLY SEEING THINGS???)

    I was planning on using two NpcCurly,
    NpcCurly and NpcQoute, Of course you will be fighting Qoute with a machine gun and I thought maybe I can make another Npc sprite
    by using Assembly( by learning assembly, cause I'm Inspired by a person who never had a experience in assembly, and learn it just for fun, and so If he can do it so can I ). I experimented with using Char.

    I should have use search button huh?
    lol :D/

    no I'm not down, I just producing CO2

    hmm.. Maybe I should Change it, It does look err Blue

    (aww the chair is cute!)
    Thing weighed something like 40 pounds.
    You can think of it as a really ugly blue-type iMac, because the only difference is the clamshell. I don't think I could ever be allowed to do that again.
    I'm good at mooching old electronics from people who don't use them, I've even gotten a sixteen year old Performa from an elementary school I don't go to. I'm not doing that sort of stuff anymore, too heavy.

    This is the fourth time I've posted on my own profile.
    If any good has come from this, it's that I have a GameCube that doesn't belong to me, and SSB: Melee.

    I'll find the owner.
    Alright, well, I think I can make sense of this now, by looking at Olly's dual hex-asm view.

    0040F9D5 C7 85 EC FE FF FF 00 00 00 00 Ç…ìþÿÿ....

    This is the format of values where EBP is offset by a large amout [EBP-90 or more]

    0040F9B5 C7 45 E0 00 00 00 00 ÇEà....

    This is the format for values where [EBP] is not being subtracted so much.

    The C7 is the MOV command, that much I can be fairly certain, and the next BYTE seems to be the type of MOV command we're dealing with, then either the next BYTE or DWORD is for how far off the register to go, and the last DWORD is the actual value being MOV'ed
    Yeh, no prob. Just mention Assembly and I get all excited-like :]
    And, I see:
    40f9d5 frame[-0x0114] = { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x000000a0, 0x00000010 } // 000 000 160 016: Studio Pixel
    Like such, yes? The rects are the ones on the left, after the comment is the pixel values. In the ASM you'll see something like this at 0x0040F9D5:
    MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EBP-114], 0
    MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EBP-118], 0
    MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EBP-120], 010

    Although I haven't got a blessed clue what that looks like in a hex editor, I'd imagine something like the 0x000000A0 above, but backwards?
    The rects themselves have nothing to do with TSC direction; direction is something that gets checked in the code to determine what rects to pull. Rects are somewhat difficult to visualise, but think of them as defining four infinitely extending lines; the line display_L draws a vertical line (for the left side) and everything to the left of that line is disregarded. display_U draws a horizontal line, and everything above is disregarded. Continue this logic with the other two and what you're left with is a rectangular area.

    As for what you've mentioned, after a bit of searching I found it in one of rune's old tutorials. The proper order is, in fact, LURD, and I'm not sure why he put them in LRUD order (possibly to group them by x/y, I dunno). Everywhere else in the compendium where it lists the actual offsets of these rects they're properly ordered as far as I can see.

    In fact, if you wanted to be weird, you could rewrite an NPC's rendering code to read the rects in a different order, how it works is there's four different "containers" for the rect data, let's say, and the rect data to access is all in a row, which saves space when trying to read it. LURD is the convention in cave story though, so that's all you really need to worry about.

    Finally, when you're dealing with rects and such in the .exe, remember that all the numbers are hex; hence, 16 = 10, 32 = 20 and so forth.
    ok. thanks. also, find my levels on LBP, i made them at a friends house, because i dont have a ps3 yet. they are called the ocean caverns and the other one is [something] cove. {i cant fully remember the name, but its by the same person}
    Weelll i mean like a place i could go and it has lists like,
    (random script) (E.G. Door) Place oover door entity foe sript activation.

    or something

    i've probably made this needlessly complex
    Ah, sorry, i meant commands and stuff for it, because i know where to dowload it. Also, i noticed that you and thecrown are talking about LBP. Awesome game.
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