Recent content by Vdmstr94

  1. Vdmstr94

    Game Plot "what if..." thread

    Yeah... This thread??? Not my best idea:o.
  2. Vdmstr94

    The first console and videogame that you played in your life.

    Let me see here... My first game was if i remember was Sonic 2 for the Gen when I was 2 years old... almost positive. Btw i beat it right then and there.:D
  3. Vdmstr94

    Game Plot "what if..." thread

    If there was a final final fantasy? All the fanboys/girls would... A. make fan games at 2ce the speed OR B. go on a murder spree.
  4. Vdmstr94

    Game Plot "what if..." thread

    The point of this thread is to think of plots from video games and think of a "what if..." question. I shall start... What if Alex Mercer was never infected in prototype? Now someone answer with their own ideas and create their own what if or what would happen if question:D! Have fun!
  5. Vdmstr94

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday to you wedge ^_^! By the way, my birthday was on 21st... just thought i'd throw that out there:rolleyes:.
  6. Vdmstr94

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    15 Days till My b-day! Almost my birthday too :D, didn't know where to post this so i picked the best thread i could find.:o
  7. Vdmstr94

    Deaths in games that make you feel stupid.

    Well this thread was good while it lasted:rolleyes:... did much better then i thought it would!
  8. Vdmstr94

    So i made myself feel stupid.

    Nostalgia Ftw. 'Nuff said.
  9. Vdmstr94

    So i made myself feel stupid.

    I see... Thank you all for voicing (Damn you spelling) your reasons ill be sure to remember these when i tell people about the game :X besides the midi thing -.- they kinda fixed that... sorta :X.
  10. Vdmstr94

    So i made myself feel stupid.

    I have just realised (i can't spell today ><) that almost EVERYONE that i have seen on this forum dislikes or flat-out hates runescape from what i can gather... but if im wrong just tell me. Also i need reasons why people dislike it >_>. Is it gameplay? Graphics? Or some other third reason that...
  11. Vdmstr94

    Post Your Favorite Game Track

    Too many to choose from... but i'd have to say it's Worth a Chance from Sonic and the Secret Rings. Yes i know... it's a sonic song. Im kinda nerdy like that :o. Also its kinda of a Sappy song. It's just enough to bring a tear (the eye water kind :X im not sure how to spell some simple words :D)...
  12. Vdmstr94

    Rare games/consoles/handhelds/gaming related stuff that you own

    I have a disk set of ff7 as well. Not sure if it's rare but i also have FF8 and 9 as well.
  13. Vdmstr94

    My Top 5 Freeware Pixel-Drawn Platformer Picks

    1:Resident Evil 5 2:Cave story ^_^! 3:StarCraft 4:Tie:7 Days a skeptic,6 days a sacrifice,Trilby's notes. 5:Resistance 2
  14. Vdmstr94


    I play wesnoth here and there but not alot of the time.
  15. Vdmstr94

    Deaths in games that make you feel stupid.

    I think i have another... Walking off edges in almost any platformer and landing in spikes/instant death trap and not jumping soon enough.