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  1. Vdmstr94

    Game Plot "what if..." thread

    Yeah... This thread??? Not my best idea:o.
  2. Vdmstr94

    The first console and videogame that you played in your life.

    Let me see here... My first game was if i remember was Sonic 2 for the Gen when I was 2 years old... almost positive. Btw i beat it right then and there.:D
  3. Vdmstr94

    Game Plot "what if..." thread

    If there was a final final fantasy? All the fanboys/girls would... A. make fan games at 2ce the speed OR B. go on a murder spree.
  4. Vdmstr94

    Game Plot "what if..." thread

    The point of this thread is to think of plots from video games and think of a "what if..." question. I shall start... What if Alex Mercer was never infected in prototype? Now someone answer with their own ideas and create their own what if or what would happen if question:D! Have fun!
  5. Vdmstr94

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday to you wedge ^_^! By the way, my birthday was on 21st... just thought i'd throw that out there:rolleyes:.
  6. Vdmstr94

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    15 Days till My b-day! Almost my birthday too :D, didn't know where to post this so i picked the best thread i could find.:o
  7. Vdmstr94

    Deaths in games that make you feel stupid.

    Well this thread was good while it lasted:rolleyes:... did much better then i thought it would!
  8. Vdmstr94

    So i made myself feel stupid.

    Nostalgia Ftw. 'Nuff said.
  9. Vdmstr94

    So i made myself feel stupid.

    I see... Thank you all for voicing (Damn you spelling) your reasons ill be sure to remember these when i tell people about the game :X besides the midi thing -.- they kinda fixed that... sorta :X.
  10. Vdmstr94

    So i made myself feel stupid.

    I have just realised (i can't spell today ><) that almost EVERYONE that i have seen on this forum dislikes or flat-out hates runescape from what i can gather... but if im wrong just tell me. Also i need reasons why people dislike it >_>. Is it gameplay? Graphics? Or some other third reason that...
  11. Vdmstr94

    Post Your Favorite Game Track

    Too many to choose from... but i'd have to say it's Worth a Chance from Sonic and the Secret Rings. Yes i know... it's a sonic song. Im kinda nerdy like that :o. Also its kinda of a Sappy song. It's just enough to bring a tear (the eye water kind :X im not sure how to spell some simple words :D)...
  12. Vdmstr94

    Rare games/consoles/handhelds/gaming related stuff that you own

    I have a disk set of ff7 as well. Not sure if it's rare but i also have FF8 and 9 as well.
  13. Vdmstr94

    My Top 5 Freeware Pixel-Drawn Platformer Picks

    1:Resident Evil 5 2:Cave story ^_^! 3:StarCraft 4:Tie:7 Days a skeptic,6 days a sacrifice,Trilby's notes. 5:Resistance 2
  14. Vdmstr94


    I play wesnoth here and there but not alot of the time.
  15. Vdmstr94

    Deaths in games that make you feel stupid.

    I think i have another... Walking off edges in almost any platformer and landing in spikes/instant death trap and not jumping soon enough.
  16. Vdmstr94

    Deaths in games that make you feel stupid.

    Wow. Didn't think this thread would get going so fast! Woo hoo for random thoughts!
  17. Vdmstr94

    Cave Story ~ The Lost Mage and Pirate

    One word to summarize this mod/game. Awsome. Edit: Man i always do that... Awesome*
  18. Vdmstr94

    Deaths in games that make you feel stupid.

    Post your most humiliating video game deaths here. Mine was probably in 7 Days a skeptic when i accidently opened the airlock without an EVA Suit on. Hopefully this thread won't fall into the abyss :(. Edit:Wrong area of the forum :D *Facepalm*
  19. Vdmstr94

    Hello. I just thought about reinstalling Starcraft. One small problem... i cant find the...

    Hello. I just thought about reinstalling Starcraft. One small problem... i cant find the expansion. Are you willing to play on normal Sc?
  20. Vdmstr94

    Do you think you could send me a link of your Agoras Legends hack? I really want to try it out...

    Do you think you could send me a link of your Agoras Legends hack? I really want to try it out! :) Sorry! i almost forgot an E-mail Address >.<!
  21. Vdmstr94

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Hello, this might be a tad bit late but i am new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Brian and what brought me here was the cave story forum. As well as the starcraft group. I'm 14 going into 9th grade. I hope to get along with everyone on the forum!:rolleyes: