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Recent content by Shirleyxml

  1. Shirleyxml

    Title music will NOT change. I'm stumped.

    What's AVA? Edit: Autum's Various Additions. God damn, I love acronyms that spell out names.
  2. Shirleyxml

    Title music will NOT change. I'm stumped.

    Welp. I'd say "it's CSE2 time" but I don't know C++ and I have no idea where to go to make edits that would implement everything I wanted to implement. Including the orgs by the way, even though they're softcoded in CSE2. I either gotta build a team that knows what the heck to do or just give up...
  3. Shirleyxml

    Title music will NOT change. I'm stumped.

    Adding an org named Curly doesn't work, I already tried that. I re-applied the patch and the issue is still ongoing, so it's probably not the mus hack that's causing the problem. I'll try re-applying other patches and seeing what happens. Edit: Found this.Pretty sure it's not supposed to be -52.
  4. Shirleyxml

    Title music will NOT change. I'm stumped.

    Yes, except the folder is named "mus". The title screen still needs a number because it reads from the pre-loaded ORGs, not the mus folder... except negative numbers play Curly and 0/positive numbers crash the game. This wasn't happening before, and I still had the patch applied "before". Small...
  5. Shirleyxml

    Title music will NOT change. I'm stumped.

    So I'm working on another Cave Story hack (separate from the one I was making on Windows XP), and I've patched it with a ton of stuff. Booster Fuel Set, SIM's mus data, infinite Mimiga mask, all that fun stuff. For some reason my mod thought it would be funny to start playing Curly.org again...
  6. Shirleyxml

    Manually Refill Booster v2.0 Fuel?

    Oh. Good to know, I guess.
  7. Shirleyxml

    Manually Refill Booster v2.0 Fuel?

    Doukutsu-RS it is. I'd have to travel back in time to get a copy of CSE2 given it was DMCA'd and all.
  8. Shirleyxml

    Manually Refill Booster v2.0 Fuel?

    Yeah, that uh... won't do. Sorry.
  9. Shirleyxml

    Manually Refill Booster v2.0 Fuel?

    Hello, I've been wanting to make a short and sweet (and unnerving) Cave Story mod, and one of the mechanic concepts I had in mind was having the Booster v2.0 run out of fuel, and if you tried to use it while it had no fuel, it would show the "EMPTY" text like if you had no ammo for the Machine...
  10. Shirleyxml

    ANP, MNP, and DNP aren't working!?

    [frustrated sigh] it works now. Thank you for clearing that up. The way it says "NPC Number" led me to believe it was looking for the entity ID. It should say entity event number or something...
  11. Shirleyxml

    ANP, MNP, and DNP aren't working!?

    Ohhh... yeah, I have no clue how to animate the player itself (that's probably not even possible), but it makes sense if I have to tie the event number to the entities... god, I feel dumb. I'll try this... and yes, I do ignore draw number. I can't believe I'm so rusty to the point where I forgot...
  12. Shirleyxml

    ANP, MNP, and DNP aren't working!?

    This is continuing a discussion about my mod that ended up branching away from just org adding, so I thought I should quickly scoot over to a new thread to avoid getting warned for going offtopic. Title explains all, I can't animate or delete entities, only make them face different directions...
  13. Shirleyxml

    Adding more ORGs

    I hope for the same! Thank god you slapped the sense back into me, I needed that. :b I wish I would just think before I act sometimes... Update: Uh... it's never too late to say "whoops" twice, right...? For some reason, ANP, MNP, and DNP are all dysfunctional. The only functional thing related...
  14. Shirleyxml

    Adding more ORGs

    Oh my god. I'm a definitive idiot. So, in the next event, it's supposed to change the music to CHASM.org............. CHASM.org wasn't in the folder. Welp... time to give a round of applause to my stupidity. [intense facepalm] I swear I always mess up the easy things...
  15. Shirleyxml

    Adding more ORGs

    Uh oh... seems that using <TRA crashes the game with the mus data patch... I thought it was because I was trying to <CLO an <MS2, or because I was trying to <TRA after using <HMC without <SMC eventually, but I was wrong... I thought this was a side effect of the other hex fuckery I'd done, but I...