Captain Fabulous Jan 7, 2011 I have my reasons. I wouldn't be so bold as to say good reasons, though.
cultr1 Dec 25, 2010 A headset. I treated myself to a few games on steam :3 I also earned $150, so I'm buying myself a psp. The bigger question is what I want for my birthday, being the day after Christmas and all. D:
A headset. I treated myself to a few games on steam :3 I also earned $150, so I'm buying myself a psp. The bigger question is what I want for my birthday, being the day after Christmas and all. D:
cultr1 Dec 25, 2010 MERRY CHRISTMAS, MOTHERFUCKER A merry one indeed. So what are you pining for this Christmas?
Noxid Dec 14, 2010 I have a question: Of the pictures I've done, which do you like better - the dark outline style or the ones with no outlines at all?
I have a question: Of the pictures I've done, which do you like better - the dark outline style or the ones with no outlines at all?