Ok so ive put a door there. ive done a few bits and bobs but i cannot continue. I cannot use cave editor, Its too differenbt from what i am used to using, I will however edit sprites for you, I am uploading it now and will send you the link
I could just make a door lol ill try but its cave story editor so its different from sues workshop. i am a good modder this is the first time ive used cave editor so cut me some slack lol
I know sues workshop will mess it up. What i meant is ill start with a fresh copy of cave story and remake what you have done so far. In the long run you will have less problems and it will be easier for me and you to edit
I would reccomend starting again but using sues workshop, It is a lot easier and you will have a lot less problems. I will re create what youve done so far, Up to you though
I habe added kates face tiles. Had a go on the demo and cant even get past the first bit, Went into sakamotos shop and that was it. I will Re-do The first room so it looks nicer and sakamotos shop. What program did you use to edit the game i used sues workshop and it did not like it, it messed up the exe file and i had to replace it again
ok im adding the face pics now.
what maps do you want creating ive got a lot of time cus im back on my own pc. Try to describe the maps you want creating