Recent content by Revolution

  1. Revolution

    Where or how to get numberdata?

    I got one of those, so that's a good start.
  2. Revolution

    Where or how to get numberdata?

    Oh wow! I didn't know about the Geobox Engine, and it sounds awesome. I might use that instead. And you're right, I might be trying to be too perfect here (too soon as well). What DO I need?
  3. Revolution

    Where or how to get numberdata?

    Hey, long time no see! I want to make a fangame. Or well, give it a shot (I probably won't get far but hey who knows?). The problem is, I don't know Assembly, so I have a better chance of remaking the "Cave Story Engine" in the language I'm comfortable with. Now you might think that's crazy...
  4. Revolution

    Cave Story+

    But I liked the name Grasstown :toroko2: Anyway, my shortcut has no icon? Anyone else with the problem?
  5. Revolution

    Cave Story+

    Seriously? Grass Town is called bush lands? ._.
  6. Revolution

    Cave Story+

    Really? It has a boss run? AWWWEEESOMME!!! :p Uh oh.. now I have to defeat hell >_> And I really like the 3DS music. Much better then the 'new' music.
  7. Revolution

    Cave Story+

    Does it have a boss run? Really, it should have a boss run :p A boss run whould be a big reason to buy this game, even though I already have.
  8. Revolution

    Cave Story+

    What bundle? The indie bundle? Nah..
  9. Revolution

    Cave Story+

    Okay, so I have €7,51 on my steam account. And Cave Story is €6,69. I'm not sure if I should buy this game. If it wasn't for Nicalis getting part of the money, I would buy it for sure. Pixel deserves it. Another reason why I shouldn't buy it is simply: I can download it illegal. Point is...
  10. Revolution

    What If You Could Take Anyone Out Of CaveStory?

    :awesomeface: Chinfish ofcourse :awesomeface:
  11. Revolution

    The Official "I Just Beat Hell/MonsterX/etc. For The First Time!" Thread

    Well, then I will have play to play it 24/7 and then maybe I will get to the Core in a year? :rolleyes:
  12. Revolution

    The Official "I Just Beat Hell/MonsterX/etc. For The First Time!" Thread

    I can't do it.. I can't. I'm to weak.. Beating the 4 final bosses with 3 hearts and minimal items. It's impossible for me. I keep trying and trying, but I can't even defeat corrupted doctor! Anyone tips?
  13. Revolution

    Live Action Cave Story Movie.

    The question is: Will Quote talk?
  14. Revolution

    New screenshots of Cave Story 3D

    I think the pixelated style was an important aspect of the game, so this will probably just suck.. I'm wondering how the gameplay will look like.
  15. Revolution

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Does it make the game so more fun?