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  • andwhyisit
    Try "Enter every string" (without quotes) as your string, set gravity to Mars, and stick with defaults for everything else. The results are hilarious once you get past 220 meters.
    I got a level with moon gravity to the point where I had 10+ cars at once perfectly calibrated to fly off the end of the map every round
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    Something that bothers me is that cars in second or third place don't make a genetic imprint, which limits helpful growth a lot.
    So I've got a spare Steam key for Besieged, and I'm wondering who would be interested in it! As for the raffling, I'd like to keep it to new recipients please if you don't mind :> [i.e. I have not given you a Steam key previously]
    So I've played Undertale some, and I'm still evaluating it. My complete analysis will be probably after beating the game both ways, and finding whatever secrets are hiding inside too; and once I compile up a video to sum it all up. [More in comment]
    As for a quick overview, my mistrust of Undertale is misplaced. It has welled up a lot of nostalgia, the music is on par with some of the best songs I've heard (converted). Thought-provoking to a new degree for video games from some of the dialogue (particularly Toriel and Flowey so far). A lot of attention to detail has been given alright.

    All in all, Undertale is definitely by no means the ultimate game in existence though; it's more of it's own lil' niche of a game, for the most part uncomparable to some other great games (some comparisons can be drawn nevertheless).
    Awesome! Makes me want to buy it even more :P
    Although it actually has three ways - pacifist, semi, genocide. The third is the hardest to do because people sometimes get somewhat attached to the characters in the first two runs, or so I hear.
    What is the point of touch typing? It has always been really awkward trying to use it; instead I developed my own way of typing, which I've been able to achieve 83 WPM with.
    Better accuracy and speed, and you can look at what is being typed on screen whilst typing it. I've gotten up to 117 WPM on touch typing, average of 80-90. If you're looking for keys you'll usually be slower. It also improves muscle memory. I don't know where the keys are, but my fingers do.
    What's your way?
    I never said that I look at my hands, I just don't use the rigid posture.

    I use something that seems to be called "Peck Minus Hunt", where it's basically either "Peck and Hunt" without the hunting i.e. not looking at your hands, or it is touch typing with greater flexibility/less rigidity.

    "Peck Minus Hunt" isn't really all that common, and it is generally unique to each individual: I myself only use 5 fingers (For typing letters/numbers/symbols), both index and middle fingers, and also my left ring finger.
    When I use the right shift, I use my right ring finger, but occasionally I use my right pinky.
    Oh and I know where the keys are alongside my fingers :P
    What if machines did +/- sign errors, and humans did floating point precision errors.
    I believe that would mean the end of the world.
    You know what's the one of the most FUN mathematics to handle programmatically?
    I've always been a bit finicky as to what I do on each individual device, simply because manual synchronization through Drive/Skype/Pushbullet/thumbdrive would be a pain. I would program on my laptop, play games on my desktop, and listen to music on my phone. Finally I've found a solution! :D
    I had my Eagle Scout project approved by the Eagle Board today! :D
    I guess @SuperJaws100 maybe thinks that the majority of active scouts are 10-year olds or that scouting sounds kore like something for little childeren. Or that people in it usually act in ways people hardly do anymore these times, makjng them look like dorks.
    Or he just hates the steriotypical scouting uniform, which I find really ugly myself to be honest:/
    What are "people like q3hardcore"?
    I still don't understand :( In any case, you shouldn't take what I say as a reflection of who I am, I am very much still trying to determine that...
    I had not meant to be rude or judgmental, but I am sorry for having been so - It wasn't the best course of action in using you as an example...

    I am lenient and forgiving, and I don't operate on a first-impression basis. There will be more time for more impressions and reflections.

    As such, I take back my assumption and accusation. Also would you like me to reword the initial paragraph and remove the explanation post?
    No, I like history :P
    Oh yeah, just so you get what's going on, the reason nobody is taking that State of Extinction thread seriously is because of our past experiences with a user named highheelgamer, who made the infamous A Sweet New Company and Ingredients threads.
    The first one... amazing. Simply amazing.
    Huh, no wonder. Frankly I've still got plenty more to learn about this forum's history ^_^''
    it's not really because of that alone
    we get spam thread game advertisements all the time
    that was just the most infamous one because it was hilarious
    I've been learning a lot of HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, XML, and JSON. Whew! Besides renovating my website, I've also made a Twitch stream status signature thingy :D
    Wow, looks like you have been busy lately.
    Yeah, and that was only my free time o.o
    I got myself some sweet new headphones today! ^o^ (Yay for extended charater limits!)
    What kind of headphones did you get? The headphone jack of my MP3 player sort of broke, so I have to hold it in a certain position all the time.
    I have the sweet sound of silence
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