Recent content by Rabbot32

  1. Rabbot32

    The Cave Story Roleplay fourm is coming back...

    Fair warning; the mod is amateur as all-hell. When you fire it up, press z or x when it gets stuck on waterway. Make sure you pick New and not Load.
  2. Rabbot32

    The Cave Story Roleplay fourm is coming back...

    We have a mod. All it really is right now is a redoing of Mimiga Village done in the way that it exists over on the Roleplay Fourm. If anyone is interested, I'll throw the download link up.
  3. Rabbot32

    The Cave Story Roleplay fourm is coming back...

    Oi, fourms. We got a low-level mod a'brewing on the roleplay site, anyone interested?
  4. Rabbot32

    The Cave Story Roleplay fourm is coming back...

    Well, the story going right now is that the Labyrinth got trashed and the WaterWays are blocked, so.
  5. Rabbot32

    The Cave Story Roleplay fourm is coming back...

    Other than the occasional 'I'll whoop yer ass like I did over in the RP fourm' I doubt there'll be anything.
  6. Rabbot32

    Sage Harpuia. I've always called him Air Razor, I dont know why.

    Sage Harpuia. I've always called him Air Razor, I dont know why.
  7. Rabbot32

    The Cave Story Roleplay fourm is coming back...

    i'll give you four copies of tf2
  8. Rabbot32

    The Cave Story Roleplay fourm is coming back... Or at least I'm trying to bring it back. Bring a friend and a drink, admition's free.
  9. Rabbot32

    Artwork and Stuff

    I tried arting once...
  10. Rabbot32

    Listenin' to the old Cave Story Remix Project music...amazing. Simply amazing. I had forgotten...

    Listenin' to the old Cave Story Remix Project music...amazing. Simply amazing. I had forgotten what those guys did.
  11. Rabbot32

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    'Ello 'ello. I'm not a noob, I was here before under the name "Raving Madman". Lets hope I've matured since then, eh?