• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
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  • oh also I've made marginal progress on gl. As in, I looked at how the dlls currently work in cs (or rather, where they are in the data section, I haven't made it on to functions yet because I ave things to do).
    I can't even get a picture off of him.
    This avvy's a temp anyway methinks.
    I dunno how to progress, I've been swapping these three avvys for like the last year and a half.
    Oh interesting. I think that effect is used during ballos though...?
    Cool stuff. I may look into it more/imaginate more tomerruh, but I really, really shouldn't be online right now.

    Hope your title screen is better than Gir's. :P
    I was under the impression it was just sloppy coding again, but I dunno. Everything rendered atm isn't rendered as an effect or anything wonky like that, so it may be an artifact left over from a previous version. I also sorta have this memory of making a title screen with the moving clouds bg, but I can't remember if it was pre-equipped to handle that or whether I had to do some more hacking.

    tl;dr I'd say don't worry about it. Aside from it being interesting, I can't think of any reason why you should study it.
    I'm really losing it. This is like, the third time I've had to re-respond because I posted a response on my page instead of someone elses.
    So, thanky, and I wish you luck in all of your endeavors.
    Hopefully I can do something awesome.
    Do you have a pretty dll linker or should I dig around for one myself?
    aaaand disregard that.
    I'm too lazy for my own good.
    I hope you didn't, like, exert yourself at all.
    if you get a chance can you implement the following code?
    do v += x50 + v(x50/x5ff) instead of having normal gravity and a yvel cap.
    it's what 'normal' physics should approximate, I wanna know how it feels to play
    What the hell is booster wearing in your avatar now? Your booster avatars never fail to amuse me.
    Ill be honest noxid i know people change avatars a lot of times but you do it on an almost monthly basis.But man yesterday was like my birthday as i finnally got the pac man plush i ordered for power up rewards.
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