Phanteon11 Dec 23, 2011 Yes, it's one of the few games of that size that don't need to be downloaded. They should make it for the DS and Ipad.
Yes, it's one of the few games of that size that don't need to be downloaded. They should make it for the DS and Ipad.
windsofwinds Dec 23, 2011 Night Nixod. I'll be back Tomarrow to shove hot coals under your feets!(keep you on your toes, if you don't get it.
Night Nixod. I'll be back Tomarrow to shove hot coals under your feets!(keep you on your toes, if you don't get it.
windsofwinds Dec 23, 2011 Yeah, I know that, but I can still hide. It is not hard at all. You also have to leave sometime, or are you an AI?
Yeah, I know that, but I can still hide. It is not hard at all. You also have to leave sometime, or are you an AI?
windsofwinds Dec 23, 2011 Since you have a seduale(please fogive my retardo spelling) , when can I expect a new demo at least?
windsofwinds Dec 23, 2011 Ouch, my bad. How is king Story going? It seems like it's ending up like the original JN.