Hey there Noxid. I have a question about Cave Story modding. Why do you believe it is worth porting your mod into a different engine? How does this play out with opening it in an editor? Is your engine or any other engines compatible with CE, Sues, or in the future, BL? I would assume so. Is your engine or any other Sue's CE or BL-compatible engine more efficient than, allow room for more hacks than, or in any other way superior to the regular Cave Story engine? Or can this just be a self-gratifying act allowing you to legitimately say that your mod is not a mod anymore, but rather a fan-game? If somebody were making a totally out of this world insane mod with a ton of awesome hacks, would you recommend using a different engine for extra hacking to make it easier even if said modder was really good at assembly? Roughly (or precisely, if you are able to answer) how many free lines of code does a Cave Story assembly hacker have at his disposal when opening up the vanilla game, and not optimizing or replacing any existing code? If the answer is an unsatisfactorily low amount for one who wants to do a crap load of awesome stuff, would using a different engine be a viable solution?