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  • Aha, figured it out.
    Ma Pigon's falling blocks are completely separate entities, apparently.
    Spawned all sorts of blocks, even small ones did the -1, -1; while Pigon's did -10, 0.
    Did I forget to mention these were Ma Pigon's blocks? :awesomeface:
    Thought it'd be obvious since I was modifying his damage too...

    Pigon's is sorta the code I need...
    Fawk, I was right.
    I spawned fat blocks and smacked myself with them, -1 damage on hit and -1 on bounce. The little ones still crush my bones instantly.
    There's apparently some other line of code for the different sizes, I guess?

    EDIT: Hold on actually.
    Un-happy-ness. :greydroll:
    Same version as the one I got... And this time I even ran it with and without the .dll update it talked about, but still exactly the same problems...

    Could you possibly try editing the fall block damage property yourself, to see if it's really my Olly or not? I've even tried setting both the falling damage to 0 and the bounce damage to 1, with no changes at all. I'll continue playing around to see if I can discover anything else, though.
    You know what, I'm starting to think something's wrong with my Olly.
    Maybe that's why the blocks still seem to be doing 10 damage, I think it's starting to not even save my changes. And the error appears on only certain lines of code, it works on others...
    Do you have a link to your favorite version on hand? See if that helps any...

    Also, Congrats on 1000 profile posts~
    Heh, I'm just much more use to higher languages than Assembly, lazy like that...

    I actually don't know what Olly this is, but it worked before I left the forums for awhile...
    I haven't done anything wrong with it since, I think...

    I'll play around a bunch and see if I can figure out what I screwed up this time, then...
    Thanks for the help, again.
    Hmm, are you sure that's the right value? Or do the blocks not share the same line of code for both sizes? {These blocks are the smaller ones}
    I still got WTFpwned with 10 damage, and I can see the value at offset 0045DFE0 clearly reads 5.
    And for curiosity's sake, what's the 0 value for? When the blocks hit the ground and bounce slightly? They never do damage after that...
    You mean they're basically the variables holding the values?
    And, what about finishing the above message...?

    {Also, did you see my edit?}
    There's wall collision and graphics, in the Data>Bullet, but I also haven't tried looking with the NPC editor yet, so...

    Ah, that is good news...
    Except... How is A4 the damage? Isn't that 164 in decimal? Wouldn't the 0A bit be the damage? Or do I understand even less Assembly than the bare bits I thought I did...?

    Also, OllyDbg gets upset at me when I try to Assemble things, saying 'Unknown identifier' when I attempt to assemble unmodified code.
    I can get by just by using binary to make the edits, but that'd make it rather hard for any real Assembly, and it's just plain weird.
    Any ideas why it'd do that?
    Good to here you're feeling better.

    Noxid said:
    For one, zero velocity bullet is just about the easiest thing. Just don't give it a velocity :momo:
    Noxid said:
    The only easy way to make it not die on contact would be to give it lots of 'hits' which would get applied one hit per contacting enemy per frame. If you gave it a bajillion hits and only made it last one frame or so though, that could keep it from wiping out anything it touched.. if that's feasible.
    Sounds easy enough, almost too easy.
    I'll have to see if I can break anything with it. {Because I'm exceptionally good at that...}

    Noxid said:
    Collisions are rectangle-based, so if npc.hitrect and bullet.hitrect overlap then a collision is registered. Splash damage is caused by a hitrect larger than the visible sprite.
    Then would the bullet.hitrect be easily modified for a single type of bullet? Probably a dumb question, I have a nagging feeling I should know the answer already... But my brain feels like milk today and my neck is doing it's best to snap off.
    And I only mentioned the splash part because I -didn't- want it to work like that, incase you would've recommended trying something involving it.

    Noxid said:
    Falling blocks, um... let's see... the generator is at NPC294... generates NPC0x117 (279)... nonstatic parameters of xPos, yPos and Direction, so Direction determines size during initialization phase of object AI, and the entity doesn't appear to modify its damage internally. Does that answer your question?

    So far I believe I know how the generator works, and that 'Large' falling block is actually both blocks, just depending on how the 'Direction' is set. {Neat} They also don't contain the damage values inside them at all? And the Generator doesn't set it either?
    Does that mean it's possibly using damage from another Entity or something? Going to test a few ideas like that right now, actually...
    Something actually important, and though I feel dumb asking it, what are the assembly lines for Falling Block damage? It doesn't appear to be editable in the NPC Editor, unlike Falling Spikes, but those are completely different aren't they... {And only Large seems to appear in the currently recorded lists}
    Also, just a part of an idea I had, it'd be pretty easy to make a bullet have zero velocity, right? But could one also make it so it doesn't 'die' on contact with an enemy, and when hitting a stack of enemies {Well, spawning on}, could it apply the same damage to all of them as it would a single target?
    It's also important that it do damage more in a horizontal line than splash damage from like a missile, complicating things.
    Ouch, and I find all this redundant thread creating crap annoying on a normal basis...
    Sure you'll do fine, though.
    Noxid;116770 said:
    Boy I sure do love merging a hundred finity threads a day because people don't know how to search function and/or read the names of the first five threads in the forum they're posting in
    Sounds like you're having fun.
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