cultr1 Jun 13, 2010 It's all good, I'm working on a few orgs myself. This time, make it in ORG maker v1.34, k? Version 2+ doesn't work in cavestory :/
It's all good, I'm working on a few orgs myself. This time, make it in ORG maker v1.34, k? Version 2+ doesn't work in cavestory :/
Noxid Jun 13, 2010 Keep up with mah blog homeskillet! Or read the thread "MP3 in cave story", which is what i linked from my blog.
Keep up with mah blog homeskillet! Or read the thread "MP3 in cave story", which is what i linked from my blog.
cultr1 May 17, 2010 Like it? It's from a show I just finished watching called To Aru Majutsu no Index, that episode was one of the funnier ones XD
Like it? It's from a show I just finished watching called To Aru Majutsu no Index, that episode was one of the funnier ones XD