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  • err.... I wasn't even flaming u or anything there. I'm ordering you to GO SPAM! And since men make better bosses, you are listening to my orders!!!

    Now where's the ban?
    Hello. What kind of retarded slang was that?
    Btw I'm not even sure anymore if yours is actually Chii and mine Chi or the other way around. And I'm not even sure if it's other way around or other way round. Since it's a double suspicion, they cancel one another and hence, I'm sure. Or they might actually support one another and hence, the suspicion has a magnitude twice that of my main suspicion. But since I haven't watched mine in anime version and yours in manga version, or vice versa, I can't make any presumptions yet. Wait, maybe that should be assumptions. Wait, maybe that should be that should have been instead of that should be. About two lines ago, that might also be inference. Wait, maybe implication. But implication is effect.

    And I doubt typing crap will help me for debate tomorrow. You are allowed to wish me luck. But I doubt you'd do, since you're plain MetaSeraphim. It's in the house.
    i do believe, one love is all we need.

    No, I'm looking for the other song, sorry seems to be the pwnage word, but mp3raid.com is playing shit one me
    you have no chance to survive make your time.....

    ........ did Odin make that game or something?
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