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Recent content by Madmin The Madman

  1. Madmin The Madman

    Custom MyChar Releases

  2. Madmin The Madman

    Custom MyChar Releases

    "Also, my apologies for only having Rapidshare links, Mega-Upload doesn't seem to want to accept my files right now." It makes me sad when people don't read before they post. That has been there for ages and if it weren't true I wouldn't have put it there. Luckily, I'm updating today so I won't...
  3. Madmin The Madman

    Custom MyChar Releases

    Woops! Accidentally my entire internet guys, I'll try and work out a new sprite by sunday.
  4. Madmin The Madman

    Custom MyChar Releases

    Sup everyone, just letting you all know that everything has been worked out on my end so I'll start making sprites again. I'll happily work on the Doctor for a bit but it may be extremely difficult to miniaturize his sprite. Also, just to throw it out there, I use winrar. I used to use 7zip...
  5. Madmin The Madman

    Ballos's master plan?

    I think what you all have failed to mention/notice. Is that there is no way Ballos could have had a master plan, because he is not the Eggman.
  6. Madmin The Madman

    Custom MyChar Releases

    What is this? This is a thread I've decided to make, in order to share all the custom MyChar sprites I Am, and will be working on. Here you will be able to Download custom sprites to play as, as well as see future releases and make suggestions. Will These Harm My Game? In reality, they really...
  7. Madmin The Madman

    Magic strength

    In physical age, I'd say Misery has existed for well of a millennium. But coming from life-age and growth I'd say she has the body of a young woman, probably around 19-20 as a slave, but when the curse was lifted she looked around 28ish. Given that Jenka is Up there in age with Ballos, and...
  8. Madmin The Madman

    Mini Omega MyChar Sprite

    Good, good.. I think this is an excellent plan for the movements. I'll be sure to cite you when i release the .pbm files.
  9. Madmin The Madman

    Alternate Character Playthrough Suggestions

    Give me some reference pics to go off of and I'd give it a shot after finished the 2 sprites I'm working on right now.
  10. Madmin The Madman

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    1/10, that guy was an ass. Ma Pignon
  11. Madmin The Madman

    Mini Omega MyChar Sprite

    Another thread gave me this idea. And I am going to need a little feedback from all of you to determine how to go from here. This is what I've done so far, it isn't anything very special at all, as I've only sat down with it for about 20 minutes. But I've already ran into a couple of...
  12. Madmin The Madman

    Alternate Character Playthrough Suggestions

    A mini omega.. I might have to look into trying that. I could make the fireballs red to match his ... boulder things. The only problem would be in finding a proper palette for the sprite. I'm making a protoman one right now and I'm having a hell of a time trying to make due with the lack of reds...
  13. Madmin The Madman

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    1/10 for fooling me the first time I played the game. Misery
  14. Madmin The Madman

    Let's talk Hell

    Hell was the goal, what those people who took the hard path tried to get to and succeed in conquering. After reading descriptions of it ( never watched the youtube videos because I didn't want to entirely spoil it) It sounded like it was going to the the hardest of the hard and the most intense...
  15. Madmin The Madman

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    10/10 The hermit gunsmith was a pretty cool guy. Not only did he forgive you but he upgraded the gun and gave it back. Ballos (Hah, I bet you thought I was gonna say Misery)