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  • Yeah, it's unlikely to be done by the end of Feb, but if we go with trickybilly's idea and do like the best so far at the end of each month then I'll probably have it done in the first half of March or so.

    EDIT: O_o
    Forum glitch...
    Normally avatars aren't animated in the conversation section, but mine just suddenly went animated just for this one post.

    By the way what exactly was that thing that "pow" linked to? Did you write it? I've only read a little bit of it so far. Is it supposed to have anything to do with Cave Story?

    Freakin' timer...
    Right click on a link and choose "open in new incognito window" or go to the little wrench in the upper right corner and choose "new incognito window". Such windows don't record history or cookies or anything so you're safe from people snooping around in your history.
    You don't need a webcam. This is a multiple chat, so all you would need to do is be able to hear our voices. GET ON.
    He wants to know if you have any sort of messenger, like MSN, AIM, or Skype.

    (Just a warning: if you have MSN or AIM, we're just going to add you so we can force you to download Skype.)
    I was telling you because he said you were on his side and I wanted to show you what I was sending to VoidMage and GIR.
    (Sent to VoidMage and GIR, as well as you just so you know):

    You guys are trying to call Nate out for hypocrisy, but he's only mad because none of you are listening to him. He originally said that modding wasn't a popularity contest and the most popular isn't the best.

    The reason he's mad is that this so-called "popular" mods are far inferior to some lesser-known mods (not necessarily talking about him) in one respect or another, yet the creators can be so caught up in their own hype that they don't let anyone speak well of any other mods. I must rehiderate: Nate is mad because you people act like the amount of traffic your mod threads generate are equal to the size of your penis. He's not leaving because his aren't recieving "enough," he's leaving because you guys are draining away any at all with sub-par, poorly-planned updates.
    No, when I first started writing it, I naively thought that I would be able to finish it in a month. Almost 2 years later I'm still only about 20% done (and like I said I'm even planning on rewriting most of that 20%).
    My fanfic? There is a thread on these forums about it y'know. Though I'm probably gonna rewrite it eventually, cause I don't really like the way it feels right now :/ ...
    00448D45 . 8948 64 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+64],ECX
    00448D48 . 8B45 08 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
    00448D4B . 8B48 68 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+68]
    00448D4E . 8B45 08 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
    00448D51 . 8378 10 00 CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+10],0
    00448D55 . 7E 0A JLE SHORT Doukutsu.00448D61
    00448D57 . 41 INC ECX
    00448D58 83F9 02 CMP ECX,3
    00448D5B . 7E 17 JLE SHORT Doukutsu.00448D74
    00448D5D . 31C9 XOR ECX,ECX
    00448D5F . EB 13 JMP SHORT Doukutsu.00448D74
    00448D61 > 8B45 08 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
    00448D64 . 8378 10 00 CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+10],0
    00448D68 . 74 0A JE SHORT Doukutsu.00448D74
    00448D6A . 49 DEC ECX
    00448D6B . 85C9 TEST ECX,ECX
    00448D6D . 75 05 JNZ SHORT Doukutsu.00448D74
    00448D6F B9 02000000 MOV ECX,3
    00448D74 > 8B45 08 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
    00448D77 . 8948 68 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+68],ECX
    00448D7A > 8B45 08 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
    00448D7D . 8360 04 04 AND DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+4],4
    00448D81 . 90 NOP
    00448D82 . 90 NOP
    00448D83 . 8B45 08 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
    00448D86 . 8360 04 10 AND DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+4],10
    00448D8A . 90 NOP
    00448D8B . 90 NOP
    00448D8C . E9 63070000 JMP Doukutsu.004494F4

    Yeah, no prob. I love helping with assembly. Anyways, herein the problem lies. The code jumps here if our velocity is negative, etc. etc. and it decrements the value then tests if it's zero. However, this isn't optimal because (a) 0 is a valid frame number, why not use it? and (b) there's the possiblilty that the frame # was zero, meaning now it's FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and the computer could care less. My suggestion is to change it to cmp 0 and JLE, if you're interested in keeping with the zero-shunning format. It'll take up a smidge more space so you'll have to redo the two jumps that point inside the segment after it. I didn't check to see if that was the only problem area but anyways you know what to do now.
    Alright. I'm still looking into the cause, but somehow your code is causing the frame num to go negative,[specifically it's FFFFFFFF at one instance] which of course has some spectacularly unpredictable results.

    I <3 how Olly can walk through the code one line at a time...
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