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  • it is beautiful
    My three favourite things.

    EDIT: Oh, yes, exams. I've just got the last two on friday, so I'm going to try and maybe study for them. After that, home free :chin:
    Thanks, but I'm kind of stuck, and I haven't been working on it much since. I'm trying to make a platforming engine. I'm using MMF2, so it's not super hard to do, but it's a pain in the ass. I wish I knew someone who was a little more experienced with the events who could help me. >.>
    Mkay, exam #1 is out of the way so I've got 8 days of emptyness ahead of me.
    The first one was probably my least favourite.
    Yes, I like that idea better.

    Why does the nationality of your blurb matter?

    And don't you remember, you had those other album arts way before the website/lack of wisdom teeth entered into your life.
    Hah I should turn those off.

    No, I don't really. I imagine you could call malloc? I've never tried it before, but it's uhh...
    PUSH (size)
    CALL 004813A3 - malloc
    ADD ESP, 4

    and it returns a pointer to your block of memory.
    0048128B - free if you're worried about memory leaks.
    Bleh, exam week(s)
    I always get anxiety and then I can't eat or sleep properly and I get sick ]:
    It'll be over soon enough though.
    Sounds like more than nothing; nothing would be sitting home alone eating chocolate ice cream and weeping softly or something. I'd say that you're modestly busy which is always good. A play hm? Well I won't press you for details, but I'll share with you that when I was in Drama class I got to write my own bit (A mafioso-esque version of "To be or not to be") when nobody else did :]

    Mmmm croissant
    Ooh, driver's ed? What do you think of that?
    I have my license, but I don't like to drive >.>
    ...... just realized that that "fix" I just posted could sound a little inappropriate, lol! I apologize. Wasn't thinking that at all.



    annnnd there's an "edit" button... of course.... wow, double fail. my mind is totally not here right now :o
    what do you think about making the bubbles collapsible?
    If you (or one of the team) can do it, that would be awesome. If you can't get it to work right, it'll be fine as is.

    It sounds like you want to put quite a bit of work into this website. Honestly, I think people are going to be more interested in the music rather than the information, but maybe that's just the way I think. Some people are definitely interested in information though, so it would be good to have it I guess.

    Awesome alliteration is always good, so you may ignore whatever I said; you seem to have a great grip that and you seem to know exactly what kind of information you want posted where. Go ahead and keep the "artists" named as is. I only suggested mixers because of the csrp website.

    OR! (New idea, stay with me for a mo), we could place the blurb along with all the artist information, and have a do-dandy who-handy information page (for the interested), and then a download page with downloads and a welcome page with welcomes. (we could also stuff some links onto this page) That may be the most obvious way to do it in the end, but I'm fine with either method of doing it.

    So, would this mean, (1) a welcome page, (2) a project information page, (3) a page about the people, and (4) a download page? Or did I misunderstand?

    I do like the idea of keeping a download page simple because information would only get in the way of what the person wants (which is to download the music). If someone wants information, that should be elsewhere.

    OH IDEA! If it were possible to have the "download" page just like the csrp download page, but have the artist's names, track titles, and whatnot be links that lead to the appropriate information, that would be really cool, in my opinion anyway.

    i.e. someone could click on "Wedge of Cheese" and they would see some information about him, or a person could click on Rtnario's HUZZAH track to see some background info on the song (could also do lyrics for some of the songs).

    The idea with this would make pretty much everything on one page. I don't know if you like the idea or not. Honestly, I don't care, either way is fine, as long as the site looks and works good, I'm good with it.

    Maybe we should present our thoughts and ideas to everyone else?
    You should totally hook up with a girl named Lavender. There's a store not far from my house called "Lavender & Lace" and I'm always reminded of you when I see it xD
    Hm. As far as the whole spersnizzle goes, I think you're right in saying that king may look a bit strange. The colors also seem off, but I'm not sure why. Per each individual section (highlighted for your convenience):

    THE MAIN PAGE sections could be changed to something more like thus:
    1) About
    2) Notifications

    Where the "about" section would conglom the "welcome" and the applicable "other information" portions, an dthe notifications would be anything of great import ("the wobsite is down!", "everything out tomorrow!" etc), as these are the things that require the most attention and should be displayed.

    THE PEOPLE section you didn't really suggest to change much, except to change "artists" to mixers. The only reason I said artists in the first place was because I adore awesome alliteration. :P Also what do you think about making the bubbles collapsible?

    DOWNLOADS might, too, need to be named less discreetly (again w/ the alliteration). This is also where I would consider moving my blurb to. Upon rereading it, it felt like a preface to me, or one of those letters that comes with the information about your stocks, or anything of the like. Maybe we could do something similar (like have some more in depth/interesting information) but that would only really work for a hardcopy.

    OR! (New idea, stay with me for a mo), we could place the blurb along with all the artist information, and have a do-dandy who-handy information page (for the interested), and then a download page with downloads and a welcome page with welcomes. (we could also stuff some links onto this page) That may be the most obvious way to do it in the end, but I'm fine with either method of doing it.

    Anyways, I agree with the csrp layout, it's pretty nice. As you said, bulk download links, and maybe a itunes/whateveruskidsareusingthesedays pretty link?
    I would also petition to place this tab next to the homepage, because it be of import.

    cool ideas btw, I like that you're active again after a long period of gone-ness.
    (also, what do you think about doing blurbs for each individual atom? maybe if we do a giant information billboard, we could support our decisions with five paragraph essays! evidently, my homework is running into my brain, so I should prolly get back to work, seeya!)

    (alsoalso, copypasta this into the thread if you want)
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