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  • So, my 6-year old cousin told told me today that she'd be my girlfriend. And I said "why would you want to be my girlfriend?". Then she said "because you need one!". After that I just went to my room, and then realized how hard she just burned me...
    haha sick dude
    I would have the same reaction
    Wow zxin, you made a small mod, just to show me how the teleporter scripting works. You even took the time to make the mychar look like my current non-existent avatar. You really are a great friend! Yo, I should put this mod up in the showcase.
    you are improving
    Trying to figure out how the teleporter menu works, need help. The teleporter keeps saying there's no warps and I have no idea how the game added warps originally. I also have no idea where the game determines which slots run which event event, looked everywhere but couldn't find any <PS+ commands. if someone knows how it works then I would really appreciate your help.
    "If you still don't understand how that works then I think it's hopeless to try and explain it to you further.

    I don't really see why you're having so much trouble with some aspects of TSC, it's a pretty easy scripting language."
    You sure were a dick about it
    Is there any way to edit tileset properties through Booster's Lab? I've been using Cave Editor but i'd like to know if you can do it somehow in BL.
    Have you tried right clicking on the tile you want to edit in BL?
    Well then... the more you know!
    Thanks a lot Miccs
    Does anybody know how long 1 tick is when you use the <WAI command? I need to find out how many ticks equate to 1 second.
    Isn't it based off of milliseconds, with a 1000 ticks in a second?
    There seem to be many different types of ticks.. from 10ns ticks to 20 ticks per second. Try using 50 ticks and see how long that is for cave story.
    It's as Miccs said, <WAI waits a certain number of frames, so for vanilla CS <WAI0050 is 1 second, and for CS+ <WAI0060 is 1 second. Note that if the user's computer is slow/plays the game slowly, the wait command will go on for longer than 1 second.
    So stupid questions... What does TSC actually stand for? What is TSC scripting? is it like a programming language? If not, then what is it? I kinda need this information...
    So uh... i'm trying to explain TSC scripting to someone, and I don't know exactly how to explain what arguments are. <CMU(0002)<-- those 4 numbers that come after some TSC commands. How would you explain it?
    The < in front of a command defines that a new command starts, the three symbols afterwards(CMU,CAT,MSG etc.) define what command.

    Some commands also need info about what resources to use, what direction to replace, what tile must replace what tile, etc.
    This info is saved as a (one or more dephending on command) value AKA the argument.

    And example would be <FAC, if you just enter <FAC(and the command wouldn't be reading the next 4 symbols from other commands), it wouldn't know what facepic to use in a message box.

    Hope that helps.
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