
Usually known as 20kdc.
Favorite Game/Series
Not sure


IME is quite certainly dead, but it does work.
PiyoPiyoJ works!
- Due to an irrecoverable series of hardware failures, the following links are dead. I have the files, contact me if you want 'em. -
NICEv3.1 ( / SHA-1 cd0dea6d8bce45de9bcc22b01fe11293584d9e59) If you're going to just copy the whole mod as a template, make sure to get rid of the "Demo" folder. Please note that NICEv3.1 is outdated in comparison to Clownacy's much better techniques.
PEONS-V0.1-C ( / SHA-1 c90e42deca8aeb68a8a5748456cd4c3e3f75c5fc), for people who prefer ASM to Lua. Includes a copy of NASM and some patches for use with GSA2.
CSM-DDX ( / SHA-1 bfb3100d9af2868f4959f6f1fb15fb3885b13594): For people who want to use the Steam Overlay + fullscreen Cave Story. Most of Cave Story not included. Usable with mods if you use a hex editor to modify the import table (just ask me)
Basically inactive. Due to a fun naming issue (turns out "gamemanj" is way too phonetically close to something entirely different) my Discord name is 20kdc.

