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  • 'hm i wonder how long it's been since the last major evergreen update'

    > december last year

    'ah fuck'

    ...yeah, all i really have is the usual excuses - work's been taking up a lot of my energy and i can't wrangle my brain into being interested in modding at the moment, so even though i'm almost done with this next big update i haven't been making any progress and it's really frustrating!!! gah!!!

    hum, i guess i did redraw caret's portraits recently, there's that...

    they honestly look worse imo, but i do think they show more personality and identity.
    Still looking forward to it :D Both look good to me. New ones are closer to anime standard? (Nice!) Also seems to mostly not meet your gaze leading to a different impression vs the old ones. Which have more of a piercing stare.
    extremely brief progress update for evergreen: finally finished the graphic for an optional cutscene... and promptly realised that it being the only one of its kind makes it stick out, so i'm thinking of having an optional CG cutscene in each area - 4 in total (beginning area (though maybe that's covered by the intro image?), each 3 teleporter locations), not including the planned joke ending, but we'll see...

    Screen Shot 2022-08-01 at 2.08.52 pm 1.png

    i've also been working on cleaning up/implementing sidequests, and generally polishing stuff, but if i give a deadline for this update's release i will 100% miss it so i'll just finish this off with a 'it's still being worked on lol' :P
    Looks great! And a cool idea for area transitions too
    Very nice looking art! Looking forward to where you go next with Evergreen.
    finished silent hill origins last night
    10/10 game you can beat up horrible flesh monsters with your bare fists
    things have happened today! wow!
    - i have aged (21! holy shit! nothing interesting happens at 21 over here in terms of legal rights 'cause we get pretty much all that stuff at 18 but hey, milestone's a milestone)
    - i have been on HRT for one year (woah! transgender 2 unlocked!)
    - i have finally been motivated to work on evergreen again (paused development for a while due to picking up extra shifts at work as well as modfest)
    Happy birthday (If I'm not too late)! And congrats on enduring HRT for a whole year.
    I'm pleased to hear you garnered some motivation for your mod with everything you're dealing with. Haven't touched Cave Story or any of its mod since I joined but I'm happy to see you make progress on it.
    oh uh
    belated happy birthday
    while it's still gonna be a while till i release anything even remotely public, evergreen's latest update has been finished to its demo end screen - meaning i've designed everything up to a natural stopping point and you can play from the beginning of the mod till there... i just have a lot of polishing to do lol.

    in the meantime, enjoy these fellas:
    okay i've asked elsewhere and never got an answer, but wtf is going on with the forums randomly kicking me back to the tribute site homepage?? it's been happening for a while - i'll be randomly scrolling through the main forums page or a thread and out of nowhere without pressing anything it'll suddenly switch to the homepage... i access the forums directly via a bookmark so it's not a case of accidentally going back a page, i'm really not sure what's going on
    Try clearing out the site cookies and logging back in fresh
    my current pet project has been cleaning up cave story's article on TCRF, which has been fun, there's a surprising amount of content left undocumented...

    so far i've:

    - added subpages for the PC version of CS+, eshop, and dsiware & filled them out
    - documented unused stuff for challenges including taglines, scripting stuff, original-style graphics, machine gun challenge being in the files for eshop, etc etc
    - updated the switch, prerelease and unused graphics pages with a bunch of things discovered or pointed out by friends/other community members
    - some other things i'm probably forgetting

    still got some more info i wanna add, but i'm happy that the majority of this stuff has finally been documented - at some point i'll have a crack at updating the CS3D page too, since my friends and i discovered some really interesting unused things that i'm not sure has been documented at all a while ago
    Sweet, thanks for doing all of that.
    From my memory there was two things that were never added to the freeware article of TCRF that I've been meaning to get to eventually. One of them was NPC 303 (An unused version of Curly's Machine Gun that's sitting with the late-game additions)...

    ...and the other I can't quite recall at the current moment whoops.
    been working on the final boss for this update and it's almost finished!
    sprites are pretty much done, scripting to actually start the fight is done, i just need to script the boss defeat/following cutscene + implement skipflags, and then i can start on the demo end stuff and move onto bugtesting/polishing/replacing placeholder stuff etc... that'll take a while, plus i want to implement some stuff in earlier parts of the mod (finally making the flower collectables important, for one - that's something i've wanted to set up for a few updates now but i've just been lazy lol)...

    hoping to release it publicly maybe sometime this month, maybe not, we'll see :V
    Nice to hear that things are progressing along.
    evergreen update, wrapping up development on the next update's maps - at the moment i think they're all mostly done in terms of layout, i just need to finish scripting stuff and dialogue
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    will be a while longer till it's released, i have... a lot of small things to finish and polish lol, but it's getting there!
    Sweet, looks like you're really putting a lot of work into this.
    kirby and the forgotten land is really, really good - i beat it on sunday, slowly working my way through 100%ing it!

    in other news, currently working on a small side project for evergreen using the doukutsu-rs engine, it'll be out later this week in time for a very important date ;]
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    i also made a Fun Facts(tm) sheet about evergreen's protagonist, so hopefully that will satisfy the approximately zero people hounding me for updates about its progress:

    Later this week? That wouldn't happen to be Friday, would it? =P
    perhaps :3c
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    i am a serious sprite artist :]

    also, i've started a new job which has taken up a lot of my energy - plus getting my hands on a copy of legends: arceus and the impending release of the new kirby game... i'm gonna be distracted for a while, aren't i...

    oh well, i'll cycle back around to fixating on modding soon enough, i have something i wanna get out for april fools at least!
    just uploaded a teaser for evergreen's next update on discord - hopefully i'll get some good feedback and be able to get the full demo update out sometime this month...
    boomers rejoice
    felt like it wasn't ready for a public release just yet, hence the choice to keep it to just my server. ironically though discord is down atm ;P
    came here just to say that too lmao
    separate post since it's a different topic, but fun fact, i began my journey into cave story modding by messing around with editing sprites in CS+.

    i may be pretty much exclusively a freeware modder these days, but i have not forgotten my roots! and also i have a terrible sense of humour!
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    i've mostly been sticking to twitter/discord for evergreen updates but i figure i'll share these random screenshots here - been focusing recently on cleaning up some stuff, updating sprites, etc - hopefully i'll get a new demo out soon on discord so i can get feedback and release the next major update! the fungi await!

    outside of fixing up old stuff and slowly working on incorporating the new, i've also been considering switching engines; at the moment i'm using freeware but at some point in the future i may switch to doukutsu-rs, as i like its lighting features and it would give me a lot more freedom when creating certain sequences i have planned for the later areas, hopefully allowing me to make them more impactful... the engine change won't be any time soon, of course, and i'm not 100% certain i will yet, but it's something i'm keeping in mind.
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    oh yes, and i've also updated the MC's sprites!
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    Looking nice!
    Just want to say that the really tall mushroom looks a bit weird - something about the stalk being too straight, or maybe the cap is a little too flat? Also the blue in the icy cave region seems just a tad bit too saturated.
    The depiction of snow is really good though, it looks so soft and fluffy (that's what snow is supposed to be like, right? I'm not sure...) The variety of mushrooms in the mushroom cave tileset is also really neat and organic-looking!
    thank you! i'll see what i can do about the stalk & ice colours. @Raymundo was the one who made 99% of the mushroom decoration tiles though, he did a great job lol
    i'm 9 or so hours late in my timezone but happy 2022!
    Don't worry, you're a lot farther ahead of most time zones, so most people still weren't quite there yet :). Happy new year!
    i'm sure this has been asked before countless times but what's up with all the bots targeting this forum
    oh shit not our doritos
    … Great, now I want Doritos. ;-;

    I'm guessing adding questions to registration (like "who is the boss of the Labyrinth" or "which Mimiga is not a Mimiga" or something) wouldn't be of any use in deterring the bots? Or is that a more complicated issue?
    Realtalk though I've never been able to figure it out, at some point we must've gotten classified as a "target site" or something and now they just keep coming here out of habit
    been a while since i made a profile post...
    now that i've finished festive quest, my next big mod project is evergreen! it's accidentally a prequel set during the war, though it focuses on a bunch of OCs instead of quote and/or curly. i've already released a demo on doukutsu club and with the next update i'll probably make a forum thread about it so... be excited for that, i guess? if you want? i'm not your parent.

    there's also a (wip) misery shrine hidden in one of the areas, isn't that (n)ice
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