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  • Can you delete the download link on that thread (Super Nito's journey something-something-something)?

    I don't know why the download link is still up :S
    Hey Doublethink, how you doing? I talked to Jethawk and we would like to continue the mod contest "The Island". Can you please unlock it for us? Btw. good job conducting the previous mod contest and making the vote package.
    I don't think you can ban me by the by. The Specialized Staff group is either based off of Super Mod or Admin group, and a normal Mod can't ban either one of those.

    But it's nice to know you care enough about me to want to ban me. I would totally ban you too, honey. <3
    Can you try to convince andwhyisit to check his visitor messages from me? He didn't take not of the forum main page mistake.
    Hey, DoblePensar, what are the criteria for getting a custom user title? Because I have 250+ posts and have been a user for almost a year, so eh...

    And yes I tried the search button.
    Oh, imma goin thru the advanced asm faq, and seein how many of them I can answer.
    Well there is something I'd like to see fixed personally, and that is that Curly is only coded to shoot at Labyrinth enemies and the Core, which makes the use of another fighting character in a mod very limited. Depending on how it's coded, I'd like to know if it's possible to make her shoot at different enemies or possibly just all of them.

    Every entity that curly can shoot has this code somewher ein it:

    push 64
    push 50
    call 0040F350
    add esp,8
    mov [004BBA2C],eax ;Between 50 and 64
    mov eax,[ebp+0008]
    mov ecx,[eax+0008]
    mov [004BBA20],ecx ;X
    mov edx,[ebp+0008]
    mov eax,[edx+000C]
    mov [004BBA24],eax ;Y

    so just copypasta into NPC's ya want killed.
    For the record, one of my RL friends made it up.
    You just seemed bored enough.

    Oh, to break the char limit, just put a bunch of spaces before a period. It's what meta does. :/
    I have a story for you. It is called the Pirates of Boomba.

    One day, a peaceful little ship was sailing in the big wide ocean, searching for ways to become a happy little ship. Every place this ship stopped along it's route, people told tales of the dreaded pirates of Boomba, not exactly why they were dreaded, but just that they were dreaded and should be avoided. After the ship left some random port one fateful day, it was attacked by said evil Pirates. These pirates boarded the boat, and said:

    "Yarr! We be the dread Pirates of Boomba! And we give yerrrr three options! One! you can have Boomba, and we will let yerr free! Two! You can become crew of this here shippy! Three! We killl yerr and throo ya down inter Davy Bob's Lacker!"

    The first occupant of the ship decided that out of these options, the unknown was best, and vouched for Boomba ("Boomba! Yarrr), at which point all the pirates raped him in the butt and set him free.

    The next occupant of the ship, not wanting the same fate, decided to become a crew member: "Weel, ya can become a crewmemberrr here, matey, but t be initiated, we shall have to give yer Boomba!" And they all raped him in the butt and he became a member of the crew.

    The last occupant of the no longer so jolly little ship decided that he would nobly fight out against these awful pirates and die for what he believed was right. The pirates, looking forlorn, sated sadly: "Alright, fine, death..." The final occupant took a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to commit seppuku, the Captains voice rang out again, filled with joy:

    "BY BOOMBA!"

    And so they raped him in the butt until he died.
    Eh, I don't know who's in charge of this, but the subtitle for the discussion forum says "soon to be released cavestory wiiware." not like it really matters, just makes the site look a little outdated...
    Ok, then just the multiple mimiga mask has been done.
    Shucks if I don't remember how, but meh.

    I might be able to give you a link, but the functionality is sorta wacky due to being a swimming animation.
    Who has jurisdiction over the XYZ forums?
    And more importantly, who used the XYZ forums?
    Hahah.. That's pretty crazy, but then, with only 365 days in a year, I guess it's not so surprising.

    However, I do remember a while back on June 6th 2006 (the "day of 666") that a friend of mine's b-day was on the 13th of June, and mine being on the 1st, both being 6 days away from the "666" mark, he thought we were both going to die XD
    Why do I never get medieval weaponry for my birthday?
    Also, u wrong about the new weapon, new entity, and multiple migmamask. All been done.

    Happy spear day.
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