Ah, DT, when I started to be happy about legal stuff Pixel said this (why couldn`t people just be quite on the subject >:-( ) :
"> Me and a friend want to make a fangame of the "beta" version of Cave Story.
> Are you ok with that?
> It's not commercial and not related to the final version of the game. It's a fangame.
sorry, I can't say ok.
so please make the game that your original game. "
We could leave closed the “legal” thread (maybe it`s the best), but thought it might interest you. The post refers to the beta anyways.
When I checked the IP, it registered as Dutch,
Plus, he used a clearly fake e-mail account.
He seemed to assume that I/we hated merlioboy without anybody mentioning it explicitly.
Also, all the things that ShadowThePast said on my profile.