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  • Tried modding today and it's just not my thing. Still gonna keep trying.
    Forgot today was April 1st for a second.
    Wait really? I thought it was March 32nd today.
    I kind of...forget that humans operate under a twelve month system and my default thought is like "oh, it's the 91st today. What a beautiful morning!" So then I have to clear my thoughts and be all "no, silly, it's the first of April." Same thing with other people, I think "oh look it's #5388936742" at first, not "hey it's Gir". And sometimes when I'm attempting to type I go on silly tangents that only marginally link to the original thingy, so I have to stop and scold myself like "no, Polaris. You type relevant and pertinent things, not rants. That's how discussion ensues." So I don't know. Maybe I'm just odd like that.
    Your odd but it's awesome. <3 :3
    I finally got a job! -dances- Today was my first day and I even made friends with my coworkers who trained me. And eight dollars an hour isn't too bad..
    McDonalds, Desu. I was having second thoughts because the manager was a little weird and the customers were rude, but I did it anyway because I really need the money. Now I discovered it's actually pretty good. The coworkers are nice. :3
    That's wonderful news, Rebelle. I'm glad. ^.^
    Thank you!
    don't understand how most people get bullied. If you're gonna sit there and let it happen don't expect me to feel sorry for you.
    Bullying is allmost always done in groups, thinking you can simply beat the shit out of them and forget isn't going to happen. I know- i've been targeted by the same group of bullies all the way trough elementary school and no matter how many times i told the school guards they didn't do a damn thing about it. They'll pick apart your friends, or worse will convince your friends to bully you with you. But really said school being a proverbial shithole didn't help matters

    They generally use any form of reaction/emotion from you as a feed to punish you. You sorta adapt to that and start to become very quiet and stoic just to make them stop, because after a while of bullying you get this strong sensation of feeling trapped with these people with no possible way out. If it keeps going, your social life will suffer with only them being your social contact at school and you'll gradually begin to believe the things they say: That you are worthless, useless and have no right to make friends/relationships anymore. Again, you can't go away from them because you are stuck in the damn same school with no way out. I've known.
    Sue Sockymodo
    Sue Sockymodo
    This sums it up pretty well.
    No offense or anything, but this status kind of offends me a bit. I thought you'd be a bit more understanding than that, you're a sweet girl :/
    Check your profile feed, Desu. <3
    Have you ever been to a /real/ party before?
    I don't really enjoy parties too often, unless they're small and I know everyone there. So, uh, I guess I haven't. : p
    I'm a professional wallflower. If I found myself at a /real/ party, I'd have to escape D:
    Not trying to sound stupid but uh.. really what is a mod exactly?
    Interested in reality television.
    Oh oh better idea: get forum members and start a reality TV show. Imagine the gripping drama of Noxid contracting Super Cancer, dunc starting a family, and Hayden finding his long lost love. I don't know if any of these things happen on TV, but it sounded good in my head.
    Oh, and I can be that one creepy person who is constantly locked in a dark place and only communicates to the world through paper and forum posts! This is a great idea! ^_^
    Actually Tpcool's idea would be great in all honesty.
    I made a skype guys!
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="BhadRebelle"><p>wwwwhhhyy!? <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /></p></blockquote>Because I'm a super shy idiot. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/koron.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':koron:' />

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Dunc2403"><p>Polaris you hurt me
    Also why would you suggest sold and not me
    I am literally the defining member of three different skype groups involving forum members</p></blockquote>Oh jeez. How COULD I forget you? I'm sorry. D;

    And I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or sincere at the end there, but whatever the case, I'll have to call your bluff, since I wouldn't know anyway...

    I'm also sorry about hurting you <span style='font-size: 12px'>except not really</span> <span style='font-size: 8px'>except kinda yes anyway</span>
    I'll send you a request, so be expecting a contact request from a very long name with Tpcool in it somewhere.
    I forgot to send one when I got a Skype o.o

    I'm not super active on Skype, but it'd be nice to have you there!
    Okay by August 21st I'm gonna have like 600 posts.
    I'm 8 months in and I only have 480ish posts <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/muscledoc.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':muscledoc:' />

    Although I DO have a somewhat more...calm posting style. I generally have the same rate of posting all the time, although I have a tendency to make larger/more thought out posts then a lot of people.

    Still, I'd have to increase my post rate if I wanted to get to 1,500 posts in a year, which I don't really want to do. So that goal probably won't be reached...but hey, post count isn't very important anyway. c:

    And besides, it's almost a certainty I'll reach 1,000 in that time.
    3 months early, but let's check progress.

    Dunc, of course, is already far past his prediction. EnlightenedOne also got past most of his goals (all of them, really). As for myself, well...

    I have 764 posts here. Kinda seems like I'm nowhere near my goal, huh? But at the time that I wrote that, I only lived here. Since then I've been active in two other forums, joined Skype, and that 764 postcount doesn't add in my many lengthy Sattelite Lounge posts, so...

    764+125+325+Sattelite Lounge+untold long Skype posts=1,214+ posts. That's past my 1,000 goal, and most probably past my 1,500 post goal, too! Yay. c:

    Besides that, I have 54 registered friends and a few people I'm too shy to add, so...yeah. Went past 25, I think. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' /> I was, in fact, blessed with two Kanpachis, my drawing skills have improved greatly, I have 37 PMs so far and some of them are so long they count for multiple, and I have let my name be known...still recovering from that, and I may need another year for my face. I've made enough fairly successful topics, and my posting quality hasn't degraded one bit, I think. And as for the last, most important goal...I'm still doing fairly well with that, despite the ups and downs. I'm relieved...

    ...I hope I don't lose that...

    ...but, lastly. I had no chance with [not a]MOD, way too little computer access, and then I possibly lost my USB...I'm going to restart the timer on that one once I get a computer of my own someday. Then I'll redo my little mod and see how it goes. :3
    And with regards to the Gallery...uhh, I certainly have <em class='bbc'>enough</em> for 500 submissions...o.o
    Uploading is haaard...I need to make that a daily habit.

    It looks like we've all done pretty well! As for your posting goal, Rebelle...you're certainly making progress. c:
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